May 11, 2021 minutes

Highlights include approval of updated bylaws by 13 of the 19 members who attended. Three outstanding issues involving the status of clergy on our rolls, whether to allow written proxy voting and the date of future meetings will be reconsidered at our September meeting. The meeting date issue involves whether we will continue to meet on the second Tuesday or second Monday of each month.

This document summarizes the monthly meeting of the Father Kelley Division of the Ancient Order of Hibernians held on video via Zoom and in person at the George Brent Council of the Knights of Columbus in Manassas.

Fifteen members were in the hall and 4 were online for a total of 19 members, making it an official quorum.

Meeting was called to order at 7:36 p.m. by the Division President Tom Masarick

Recitation of the opening prayer & Pledge of Allegiance:

Our Father                         x

Hail Mary                           x                                         

St. Michael the Archangel x

Glory Be                            x

Pledge of Allegiance         x

Roll call of Officers for Fraternal Year 2021:

Position                           Name               Present/Absent/Excused

President                         Tom Masarick         P     

Vice President                 Patrick Sullivan        P

Chaplain                          Fr. Ed Guilloux        E

Recording Secretary        Brian Tumulty          P

Financial Secretary          Richard Aleksy        P

Treasurer                         Richard Ring            E

Standing Committee        Pete Hawkins          P

Marshall                          Mike Curry               P

Sentinel                           Dan O’Leary            P     

Immediate Past President John Masarick       P             

Reading of minutes from previous meeting: Approved unanimously the minutes from the April meeting.

President’s Report by Tom Masarick:  

Division Accomplishment and challenges:

By-Laws – – Tonight we will vote on the proposed By-Laws of the Fr. Kelley Division as drafted and amended by FS Rich Aleksy, PP John Masarick, VP Pat Sullivan and Chairman Doug Morrison.  This was prompted by the National’s Revision of their By-laws and by a new “Blue Book” for guidance for our Officers in managing a Division.

When you vote I ask you to vote your conscious and vote what is the best for our Division to grow and attract members.

Fr. Ed Guilloux, Kelly Division Chaplain, congratulated Anne Lima for having her St. Patrick Coloring Contest entry selected as the grand prize winner. This was the 3rde annual St. Patrick Coloring Contest, sponsored by the Fr. Mychal Judge, OFM Division.  Three hundred children from three parishes, St. Francis of Assisi, Holy Family and All Saints participated.

“The Ballymurphy Massacre families will give a special webinar briefing on the inquest verdicts in their fifty-year fight for justice for 11 loved ones killed by British troopers, on Saturday May 15th. Campaign leader, John Teggart, will be joined by two other Massacre victims’ relatives Briege Voyle and Carmel Quinn, as well as solicitor Paddy Murray. The Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) will host the live zoom webinar briefing, beginning at 11am Eastern Time and 4pm Irish time, with Hibernians, Irish leaders and members of other Irish organizations across the United States joining live.

Recruitment/Retention – This is a job that belongs to all of us; we need to continue to grow and add new members with new ideas and make them feel welcome as part of our Division.

Reading of communications and correspondence: none

Introduction on new candidates: Pete Hawkins has an applicant. He is John Burke from Warrenton. His mother is Irish born and his father met her in Belfast during WWII as a correspondent for Stars and Stripes. He was unanimously approved.

Pete said he would like to assign a sponsor to new members for the first few months.

Report of the committee on the sick: Mike McManus is out of the hospital. We will send him a card.

Margaret, the widow of Paul Burcell, has passed away. We should send her a card.

Chaplain’s Report: No report

Events/ calendar: report by Pete Hawkins:

Report on the Standing Committee:  No Report

Bills and Claims: Financial SecretaryRich Aleksy


Receipts of the Meeting (Income): Financial Secretary Rich Aleksy

Bingo kitchen — $82

Total ————– $82

Rich reported we have five brothers that are still in arrears on the dues. They’ve been in arrears for quite some time, so they are definitely in danger of being suspended.

Report of the Treasurer: Richard Ring

Starting balance for April 2021 = $= 19,182.85

April 2021 Deposits (income) = $3,223

April 2021 expense = $0

Ending monthly balance for April 2021 = $22,405.85

Uncashed checks none

Bank register is reconciled.

Updated May 1, 2021

Bylaws: Rich Aleksy – handled later in the meeting.

Freedom for All Ireland: Dominic Preston

The Democratic Unionist Party in Northern Ireland is not as democratic as you think. They are unionists. They’re loyalists to the British crown. DUP Leader Arlene Foster is facing a leadership challenge. North-South relations in Ireland are in flux because the last two ministerial meetings were canceled.

Ireland is starting to open up the hairdressers and bars. Hopefully, by the end of June everyone will get their vaccine.

Historian: Mike Eggleston

Napoleon’s Irish Legion

The topic I chose this month is Napoleon’s Irish Legion.

I’ll provide a brief summary tonight.

I posted the full account on the Hibernian Facebook page.

The Irish Legion was a consequence of the failed 1798 Rising in Ireland.

Irishmen captured during the rising were exiled to France and the Legion was formed in France in 1803.

Napoleon planned to invade Great Britain and the Irish Legion would be the core of an invasion force of 20,000.

The Legion itself never numbered more than 2000.

Napoleon cancelled the invasion when the British sea victory in 1805 at Trafalgar made the invasion impractical.

Napoleon deployed the Irish Legion to Spain where it fought under Joseph Bonaparte.

The French effort in Spain failed and the Irish Legion was recalled to France in 1811 where it fought for Napoleon in subsequent battles.

It was cited for valor for action in Prussia and was awarded an Imperial Eagle by Napoleon but the unit had been decimated and reduced to 117 survivors.

It was disbanded in 1815 after Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo.

Some survivors remained in France while others returned to Ireland.

If anyone has an Irish History topic that they would like me to address, please let me know.

Immigration: Rick Ring

Trip to Ireland raffle sales: JP McCusker is in Hawaii.

Greg Rebbert said we sold about 955 to 970 tickets which was amazing considering the pandemic.

President Tom thanked them.

Parade – Vince said it’s likely to be Sept. 18. We have no guarantees.

Political education: Vince Fitzpatrick – no report

Pro-Life: Mike McManus – No report

Veterans’ affairs: Doug Morrison –

Strategic plan: Mike Riley – no report

Webmaster: Brian Tumulty – No report

Hunger Project: Bart Emanuel – No report.

Charity: Rich Aleksy – No report

Auditors: Vince Fitzpatrick – An audit needs to be scheduled.

Project St. Patrick: Rich Aleksy – No report.

Bingo kitchen: Tom Masarick reported that Pete Hawkins, Mike Curry, Vince Fitzpatrick, Jerry Lafferty and John Holohan recently stepped up to staff the last bingo kitchen. We are doing the monthly bingo kitchen through June and then reevaluating. Mike Curry is the chairman and some of us want to continue it.

Beer Tasting: Dan O’Leary – We are going to wait. It may be a September event.

Unfinished business: Bylaws

Rich Aleksy Bylaws are driven by the national and state bylaws as well as Roberts Rules of Order. The final draft was sent out this morning. Article 5 section 3 suggests a livestream video. For a quorum we agreed to 20%. Greg wondered why we have kept people such as Father Melmer on our rolls who are non-dues paying members. Mike Curry suggested we tell them they have  an opportunity to transfer. Rich said there are only four priests. Dan suggested we drop priests who are no longer our chaplain. Tom said this will be addressed as new business at an officers meeting.

Article 6 section 1 we had gone to two years for officers but decided to keep one year.

Under chairmen we added strategic planner.

Article 6 section 9 was rewritten on filling vacancies.

Article 9 section 2 we added two new categories of members. Their dues will be the sum of the national and state per capita.

Pat Sullivan disagrees on having the meetings on Tuesday nights and thinks Mondays are good. He thinks we should go back to Mondays and find a satisfactory location. Pat made it a motion.

Tom said he asked JP to check other locations including the Father Kelley Hall. Our Tuesdays only run through June.

Rich said the national bylaws require the division to set a day of the week each month for the meeting.

Dan suggested we vote in September on whether to make it Monday or Tuesday.

Pat withdrew his motion and made a new motion to look further into what night is better. Dan amended the motion to suggest a September vote on which day is better.

The vote was 14 to 5 to call the question.

Dan’s motion is to revisit the meeting night in September has passed.

Original motion by Pat is adopted.

Mike Curry asked about the eight days in advance for a meeting notice and was told it could be email as well as U.S. Postal Service.

Dan asked about Article 4 section 7 doesn’t want members who can’t vote. Rich Aleksy said there are Catholic gentlemen who are not Irish who want to support our division and he recommends we keep this section.

Eric Latcheran has technical problems getting the meetings on his iPad.

Dan wants to be able to submit a handwritten vote.

Greg Rebbert agrees that he would like to be able to submit a mail-in ballot.

Rich promised to look at proxies at the September meeting.

Mike Curry asked about elections.

Rich said he will also look at that.

Mike asked about Article 7 section 2 buying flowers of up to $75 for dead members.

Rich thanked the members.

John M. made a motion to accept the bylaws with the three exceptions to be discussed in September involving the clergy, the meeting day and proxies.

Seconded by Brian. 13 yes votes and the updated bylaws passed.

New business:

John M. said Father Ed is going on another 600-mile bike ride and made a motion for a $200 donation again this year. It came out of charities last year. Dan suggested we wait to vote on it in June. Twelve out of 19 voted yes to give the money.

Good of the order:

Chris asked for prayers for his grandpa and his friend Phil.

Greg asked for his friend’s brother.

John asked for Deacon Eberline who passed away.

Joe Cahill is making remarkable improvement in rehab but still has a long way to go.

We said an Our Father and a Hail Mary.

End at 9:16 pm

Updated bylaws are below:

                                                             BY-LAWS OF THE                5/11/21 FINAL DRAFT  




                                                        Revised           June 2001

                                                        Revised           May 2021  


SECTION 1       Name: This Division shall be known as the Rev. Edwin F. Kelley, C.S.S., Division #2, Manassas, Virginia.


SECTION 1       Purpose: To promote the principles of the Ancient Order of Hibernians in America, in the County of Prince William, Virginia.  The Division declares its adherence to and compliance with the Constitution of the Order, as adopted by the National Conventions, as well as any and all amendments thereto that may hereafter be adopted by any National Convention of the Order.


SECTION 1       Organization: The Division shall be organized and function as a Division as set forth in Articles V, VIII and X of the Constitution of the Order.

SECTION 2       Governance: The Division shall have control over its local affairs; however, the government of the Order shall be vested in the State and National Officers, each exercising their prescribed function within the limits of the Constitution and each subject to the superior tribunal of Officers.


SECTION  1   Membership Qualifications:  Applicant must:

  1.  Be a male residing in the United States;
  2.  Prove his Irish ancestry or be legally adopted by those of Irish ancestry or be a member of the Catholic clergy or be enrolled as a Seminarian regardless of ancestry if they meet all the other requirements;
  3.   Be a practicing Catholic;
  4.   Be a person of good character;
  5.   Be no less than sixteen (16) years of age

SECTION 2    Application : Application must be made on the official membership form

                        approved by the National Secretary. Applicants shall be elected by majority

                        vote. An applicant who is rejected for membership by a division cannot  

                        be admitted to membership without the written permission of the Division from

                        which he was previously rejected. The proposer shall certify that the applicant is a

                        practicing Catholic and worthy of membership or where circumstances warrant a

                       Catholic priest may certify as to the applicant’s status as a practicing Catholic, on  

                       a form approved by the National Board.

SECTION 3  Regular Membership: Division may accept male persons over sixteen (16) years of

                      age, upon payment of the required initiation fee, as regular members. Division may

                      also accept clergy and seminarians regardless of ancestry if they meet all other

                      requirements. Seminarians shall be exempt from payment of dues while they are in                       the seminary. Regular members shall be entitled to hold all offices in the Order                            and  vote on all  matters. Regular membership is limited to one Division at one                             time.

SECTION 4  Division Life Members: A member with 25 continuous years of service and 70  

                      years of age.

SECTION 5  Honorary Life Members: A member with 25 continuous years of service and 75

                      years of age.

SECTION 6  Membership Solicitation:  No officer or member shall solicit membership

                      applicants by offering any gift, object, money, prize or inducement.

SECTION 7  Associate Membership: The division may confer Associate Membership by a     

                      2/3 vote of members at a regular meeting on men who do not qualify for regular

                     membership but who have demonstrated good will towards the Order, its aims and

                     principles. Associate Membership includes all social privileges but does not include

                     attendance at meetings or voting privileges. Associate Membership will at no time

                     exceed ten (10) percent of the Division’s Regular Membership.

                                                                ARTICLE V

SECTION 1       Meetings: The Division shall meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm, unless the members approve a change of date.

SECTION 2  Meetings: Meetings may be conducted in person or by electronic means (video conferencing or tele conferencing). When using digital means, everyone must be able

                        to hear the President and all speakers. All members must have the right to participate.

                       The notice of an electronic meeting must include how to participate, how a quorum is

                       determined, how to make motions, and methods for voting if voting is expected at the

                       meeting. Members attending via electronic means shall have the same voting rights as

                       those present at the meeting.

SECTION 3  Technology: Members may participate in and hold the meeting by a livestream video service provider such as Zoom, WebEx, audio Video, conference telephone or similar communications equipment where all members  participating in the meeting can hear each other. Participation in the meeting shall  constitute presence in person at the meeting.

                      SECTION 4          Rules of Order: All meetings shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order (Newly

                                              Revised) in all matters not satisfactory provided for by the AOH National Constitution and  

                                              these By-Laws.

SECTION 5       Quorum: For the purpose of transacting business of the Division at a meeting, Twenty

                        per cent (20%) of the Division Membership in good standing shall                                                       constitute a quorum.  Members may be in person or via electronic means.

SECTION 6   Notice of Meetings: The Recording Secretary shall be responsible for the mailing to

                       the members at least eight (8) days in advance of a Meeting, notifying them of the

                       meetings, elections, proposed changes to the By-Laws, scheduled social events, and

                       other items of interest.


SECTION 1       Elective Officers: The elective officers as provided for in Article VIII, Section 7 of the Constitution of the Order are:


Vice President

Financial Secretary

Recording Secretary


Chairman of the Standing Committee



Tenure of office shall be for one year or until a successor has been duly elected.  Each officer elected must qualify and fill the office to which he is chosen, at the first regular meeting in the month of January succeeding his election, with or without installation, unless excused by a vote of the Division, and must present himself for installation at the time specified in the notice issued by or through the Division. No member of the Order shall be eligible to hold any Division office unless he has been a member in good standing for a continuous period of six (6) months before election or appointment. A candidate for Division President or Vice President must have received the Major/ Tower Degrees of the Order before election.

SECTION  2    TRUSTEES: Last three (3) Past Presidents. They are advisors to the President and

                        the Division.

SECTION 3       Appointive Officers/ Chairmen: The appointive officers/ chairmen are:

By the President: Chaplain (subject to the approval of the appointee’s Ordinary), Chairman of Charities and Missions Fund, Chairman of Catholic Action, Historian (Irish History), Organizer, Chairman of Freedom For All Ireland, Publicity, Immigration, Hunger Project , Stategic Planner and any other Chairmen deemed  necessary for the business of the Division. All  serve at the pleasure of the Division President.     

 SECTION  4  Visitation Committee: Purpose is to visit the sick and disabled members. Should

                       coordinate the Division response to Families in the event of the passing of Division

                       member, e.g. sending mass cards, coordinating group Division presence at viewing

                       and funeral masses including performance of the Order Ritual for the Deceased,

                       assistance with procuring a bagpiper if desired by the family. 

SECTION 5       Nomination of Officers: At the September meeting, the President shall appoint a nominating committee of three members in good standing, to present a proposed slate of officers at the November meeting.  Each nominee on the slate must have agreed to serve in the office for which he is being nominated.  At the November meeting, the committee will report their recommendation of officers.  Nominations may be made from the floor if the nominee has agreed to serve.  The slate of officers and any nominations received from the floor shall be included in the meeting and  notice sent out in December.

SECTION 6   Election of Officers:  At the December meeting, the members will ballot on the candidates previously nominated and any other candidates nominated at this meeting.

SECTION 7    Installation of Officers:  In the month of January, the new officers shall be installed in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article XXIII, Section 6 of the National Constitution of the Order.

SECTION 8       Duties: The duties and responsibilities of the officers shall be as set forth in Article X of the National Constitution of the Order and these By-laws.

SECTION 9   Vacancies:  All vacancies occurring in Division offices, except appointive, shall be filled by an election at the meeting following the vacancy was created and all members shall be notified, in writing, not less than five (5) days before. All vacancies resulting from the suspension or incapacity of officers shall be filled by the President until election. In the case of the death, resignation or removal of the President, the Vice President shall assume the office of President for the remainder of the term; all other vacancies of elected offices occurring shall be filled by vote of the Division.


SECTION 1       Death of a Member: The President and the Chairman of the Committee of the Visitation  should be notified of the death or sickness of any member, or relative of any member.  The Chairman of the Committee on the Sick shall, as necessary, arrange for an obituary notice, the mailing of a Mass card, a get-well card, or floral arrangement, not to exceed seventy five dollars ($75.00).  The President shall arrange for an eulogy, the draping of the Charter and prayers, at the next meeting.

SECTION 2    Memorial Service (Division Version) & Deceased Member Rituals: (Blue Book)


SECTION 1       Advances: Committee Chairmen must make written requests via voucher for the advance of funds for regular scheduled social events to determine the availability of funds.. Upon completion of the event all receipts will be submitted.


SECTION 1       Initiation Fee: The initiation fee shall be ten dollars ($10.00) and distributed as follows:

$2.00   to the National Secretary for the purpose of increasing membership and payable with the notice of initiation

                       $1.50 to the State Secretary for the purpose of increasing membership and payable                                    with the annual assessment

                       $6.50      to be retained by the Division.

SECTION 2       Division Dues: Dues shall be paid on an annual basis in the amount of $24.00.  Dues                         will be prorated on a quarterly basis for applicants who apply for membership at time                          other than the beginning of the calendar year.  The Division shall be exempt from                               payment of the above on  National Life members, duly ordained Priests and                                       Deacons  and members of religious congregations; and members on active duty in                              the   Armed  Forces provided that the names, date of induction and military addresses                         are furnished with the Annual Report and a corrected membership roster. Division                              Life  Members dues shall be determined by the Per Capita assessments of the National

                       Board and the Virginia State Board. Honorary Life Members shall be waived.

SECTION 3       Reinstatement Fee: A fee of $5.00 shall be required at the time a former member is reinstated, in addition to Division dues.  The sum of $1.00 shall be forwarded to the National Secretary with the reinstatement notice.  The sum of $1.00 will be forwarded to the State Secretary.

SECTION 4       National Assessment: An annual assessment of $12.00 for each member in good standing as of the preceding December 31st shall be payable with the annual report and corrected membership roster on or before February 15th.

SECTION 5       State Assessment: An annual assessment of $2.00 for each member in good standing as of the preceding December 31st shall be payable to the State Secretary with a copy of the annual report and a corrected membership roster on or before February 15th for the use in defraying the legitimate expenses of the State Board.


 SECTION 1  Reports: The Division shall submit the Annual Report in accordance with                                         Article XV of the Constitution of the Order, instructions from the                                            National Secretary and these By-laws. 

SECTION 2       Accounting: There shall be a uniform system of accounting covering all financial  transactions in the manner and form prescribed by the National Board.

SECTION 3       Assessment and Fees: Monies due the National Secretary for initiation fees, reinstatement fees, and annual assessments, plus monies the State Secretary for initiation fees and annual assessments shall not be integrated with the general funds of the Division.  The Treasurer shall set up a special fund for this purpose.

SECTION 4       Convention Fund: The Treasurer shall set up a special and separate fund to pay the registration fee of the Delegates to the State Convention based on $2.00 per year from each member.

SECTION 5       General Operating Fund: The Treasurer shall prepare a budget at the end of December for review and approval by the Division in January and set up a fund for general operating expenses to include all monies not reserved for the payment of fees, assessment and National Convention expenses.

SECTION 6       Annual Audit: The President, during the month of December, shall appoint a Committee of three members in good standing to examine and audit the books of the Division.  The written report shall be available for the  State audit committee, prior to the 15th day of February.

                                                                   ARTICLE XI

SECTION 1       When any member of the Division fails to pay his dues for a period of three months, he shall be notified by the Financial Secretary who shall set forth the amount of his indebtedness in writing and notify him to appear at the next regular meeting to pay the same.  On his failure to appear, the President shall appoint a committee of at least two members to personally contact the member to reclaim him whenever it is possible to do so; then, only after these steps have been taken, shall suspension take place.  Suspension shall be made at a regular meeting and by motion duly carried. When a member is in arrears nine months he is dropped automatically from the Division at the close of the meeting on which the ninth month expires.  This should take place no later than the November meeting so that he is off the rolls before December 31st when assessments are computed.  The membership can waive payment of delinquent dues based on hardship.

SECTION 2       Withdrawal Cards: Withdrawal cards issued and signed by the National Secretary,                              shall be given to members in good standing who resign from the Order.  

SECTION 3       Readmission: A former member, lawfully in possession and presenting a withdrawal a card, may be readmitted to membership provided that he meets the requirements described in Section 1 & 2 of this Article.  He shall renew his pledge at a regular meeting. 

SECTION 4       Transfer: Any member in good standing desiring a transfer from one Division to another, shall make application to his Division and with the approval of the County/State President, be furnished with a proper transfer card.  This entitles the member to admission in the Division he desires, providing that he is accepted by a majority vote; otherwise, his membership reverts to his original Division.


SECTION 1       Amendments: These By-laws can be amended by two-thirds majority of members attending a regular meeting after members have been notified in advance of the proposed amendment. 

Adopted by the Division on this

____________________________                        __________________________

     Brian Tumulty                                                        Thomas Masarick

     Recording Secretary                                               President                                    

Approved by the Virginia State Board:

Approved by the Prince William County Board:  N/A

Approved by the National Board:



Author: Brian Tumulty

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