July 13, 2021 minutes

This document summarizes the monthly meeting of the Father Kelley Division of the Ancient Order of Hibernians held on video via Zoom and in person at the George Brent Council of the Knights of Columbus in Manassas.

12 members were in the hall and 1 was online for a total of 13 members which is 17% of 76 and qualifies as a quorum.

Meeting was called to order at 7:33 p.m. by the Division President Tom Masarick.

Recitation of the opening prayer & Pledge of Allegiance:

Our Father                         x

Hail Mary                           x                                         

St. Michael the Archangel x

Glory Be                            x

Pledge of Allegiance         x

Roll call of Officers for Fraternal Year 2021:

Position                           Name               Present/Absent/Excused

President                         Tom Masarick         P     

Vice President                 Patrick Sullivan        P

Chaplain                          Fr. Ed Guilloux        E

Recording Secretary        Brian Tumulty          P

Financial Secretary          Richard Aleksy        P

Treasurer                         Richard Ring            Late

Standing Committee        Pete Hawkins          P

Marshall                          Mike Curry               P

Sentinel                           Dan O’Leary            P     

Immediate Past President John Masarick       E             

Reading of minutes from previous meeting: Approved unanimously the minutes from the June meeting.

President’s Report:  Tom Masarick

Division Picnic:

Since we met last, Vice President Pat Sullivan and his wife, Kay Sullivan, have hosted our annual division picnic at their house on June 26th.  There was plenty of food, games, and time for us to get together and talk over a cold drink.  It was a great event which I enjoyed; all expect to a butt-kicking that I received by PP Rick Ring on cornhole.  Thanks again Pat and Kay for opening your home to us.

Fr. Kelley Mass:

We celebrated a Mass in honor of our founder Fr. Edwin Kelley at All Saints on July 10th at 5:30 p.m. Thanks to all who attended.

Fr. Kelley arrived in Virginia in 1968 when was assigned associate pastor of Our Lady of Angels Parish in Woodbridge.  During his tenure there, he served as state chaplain for the Knights of Columbus.

 In 1974 Fr. Kelley moved over to All Saints Parish in Manassas to serve as associate pastor. During his tenure there he served as chaplain for the local George Brent Council of the Knights of Columbus.

Fr. Kelley’s service in the Stigmatine religious order took him to assignments as far away as Guam as well as New York and Virginia. 

Hunger Project:

On June 10, I attend an AOH State Meeting.  Each division reported on events they had completed in the past quarter.  There was an overwhelming number of hunger projects to feed the needy in their area.   I look forward to our discussion tonight on what we should do for the hunger project.

Potential New Projects:

Last night your division officers met to review our calendar for the next six months and to suggest new projects we need to consider.  Here is a list of a few that I am excited about:

  1. Social – Irish Dinner w/ Irish music at the KOC Hall – reasonably priced.
  2. Hunger Project – Work with St. Lucy’s in addition to our annual food drives
  3. Creating an Irish Cookbook as a fund raiser
  4. Selling Military Bracelets as a fund raiser
  5. Hosting a Golf Tournament as a fund raiser.
  6. Beer Tasting – Old Bust Head

We will talk more about these later in our meeting.


Please help me this year to work harder on “unity” and bringing us all closer together in order to accomplish the objectives of our division and to grow our membership.

Reading of communications and correspondence:


Introduction on new candidates: Pete Hawkins has a candidate who will at the meeting next month named Matt Wilke.

Chaplain’s Report: No report

Report of the committee on the sick: Two cards were sent in the last month. One was a get well card for Mike McManus regarding his foot injury, and the other was a sympathy card to Greg Murray for the passing of his mother.

Mike McManus needs help getting into and out of his car.

Report on the Standing Committee:  Pete Hawkins — No Report

Events/ calendar: report by Pete Hawkins:


Road Clean-up delayed until August 28          (Rick R.)


7 August — Our Lady of Knock Mass & Corporate Communion (JP)

10 August — Division Meeting: August 10 (Tom M)

14 August – visits to St. John Paul Shrine (Tom M)

20-22 August — Bi-Annual State Convention in Richmond suburb of Glen Allen

27 or 28 – Beer tasting at Old Busthead (Dan O’Leary)

28 August – Road cleanup (Rick R.)

TBD — Gettysburg Trip (Rick R.)

TBD – wreath laying at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery (Brian T.)

Freedom for All Ireland: Dominic Preston – no report

Historian: Mike Eggleston

Mike’s report this month is on the Ballymurphy Massacre of August 9 and 10, 1971

Violence escalated when British troops were sent to Northern Ireland following the start of the Troubles in Bogside, Derry in 1969. Shootings occurred between the Provisional IRA (Provo’s) and the British Army and casualties were increasing among the British. The British Army inflicted casualties on the Provo’s but the majority of those killed and wounded during the early 1970s were innocent civilians. On 9 August 1971 the British launched Operation Demetrius, an effort to round up and intern members of the Provisional IRA. It was a flawed operation based on faulty intelligence and it excluded Loyalist paramilitaries who were equally at fault in causing violence.

The Ballymurphy Massacre was a series of incidents that occurred in Ballymurphy, Belfast, Northern Ireland during the period of 9-11 August 1971. The Operation Demetrius searchers were greeted by bricks, bottles, and petrol bombs as they moved through Catholic neighborhoods looking for Provo’s. Terse comments by British soldiers speak volumes of what was going on:

You know when we were in Ballymurphy, we had those people really fed up with us, terrified really. I understand what the refugees must feel like in Vietnam . . . after every shooting incident we would order 1,500 house searches, 1,500. That’s hard work and it makes people think.

Another young paratrooper: Although you moan about Ireland, you know at least you are going to have a chance to shoot some bastard through the head . . . you are walking around with live rounds, you are there to kill people and see guys get killed, and you are going to get the shit scared out of you.

British army officers were less sanguine in their remarks comparing home searches as a rush superior to mountain climbing and skiing. They appeared ignorant of the fact that every series of searches gave the Provo’s a surge of recruits flocking to their banner.[1]

A total of ten Catholic civilians were killed by the British Army during what has since been called the Ballymurphy Massacre. An eleventh civilian, Paddy McCarthy died of a heart attack after a confrontation with the British.

The British claimed that these were Provos killed by return fire from the British Army, but the circumstances show otherwise.

Most were shot in the back; some multiple times after they were on the ground wounded.

Two were killed while trying to help the wounded. Father Hugh Mullan, a Catholic priest, was killed as he tried to go to the aid of a wounded man. He was waving a white handkerchief to indicate his intentions and this scene is shown in a Belfast wall mural.

Several were obvious unarmed bystanders such as Joan Connolly who was shot as she stood opposite a British base. She might have survived if given immediate medical treatment, but was left unaided in a field for several hours.

Fifty years after the Ballymurphy Massacre on 11 May 2021, a coroner’s inquest found that the ten civilians killed were innocent and the use of lethal force by the British Army was “Not Justified.” The British have since announced plans to provide amnesty for their troops. See Danny O’Connell’s email of 4 July 2021(From the Desk of Martin Galvin). Amnesty seems unnecessary given the current pace of justice in Northern Ireland. All involved will have died of old age before any action is taken.

Immigration: Richard Ring –

July 22 is the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11. Neil Armstrong has Ulster heritage.

He focused on Eileen Collins who was a mission commander in the space program.

She was the first woman to command a Space Shuttle.

Ireland does have one astronaut named Nora Patton of County Mayo.

She studied at the University of Limerick.

She has a book called Dreaming for the Stars on her goal to become the first Irish astronaut.

Trip to Ireland: It is unknown whether the winner from last year will be taking the trip this year.

St Patrick’s Day Parade and Halfway to Patrick’s Day: Vince Fitzpatrick

Vince said the halfway to St. Patrick’s Day parade is scheduled for Sept. 18

Pro – Life: Mike McManus– absent — no report

Political Education: Vince Fitzpatrick – no report

Veteran Affairs: Doug Morrison– absent – no report

Strategic Planning: Mike Riley –no report

Webmaster: Brian Tumulty – no report

Hibernian Hunger Project: Bart Emanuel

There was a discussion about the possible involvement in the diocesan St. Lucy project in addition to the drive that the division does at a local supermarket twice a year. Other AOH divisions do different things in other ways.

Charities: Rich Aleksy

Project St. Patrick: Rich Aleksy – It supports our seminarians.

Club Room: Mike Curry

Any willing participant who cooks and bartends is welcome to volunteer and make money for our charity fund. Tom and his wife Janet are willing to participate once a quarter. You get reimbursed and 40% of the profits. It averages about $100 for a night.

Auditors Report: Vince Fitzpatrick

He and Tom met June 14 and completed the audit.

Bills and Claims: Financial SecretaryRich Aleksy

$327.53 for the picnic

Receipts of the Meeting (Income): Financial Secretary Rich Aleksy


Report of the Treasurer: Richard Ring

Starting balance for June 2021 = $22,287

June 2021 Deposits (income) =

June 2021 expense = $

Ending monthly balance for June 2021 = $

Uncashed checks to Rick Ring for road cleaning

Bank register is reconciled.

Updated June 1, 2021

Unfinished business:

Pat Sullivan reported on the picnic. We had about 20 people. He recommended moving to a park or pavilion in the spring.

New Business:

Delegates to the annual state convention.

Rich Aleksy said they should be the president and three delegates. Hugh O’Brien plans to go and it automatic as a past state president. Vince Fitzpatrick is interested. Pete Hawkins also. Pat Sullivan is the third.

Unanimous vote.

Our budget covers the registration fee for the delegates.

Tom asked about fundraisers. The first is an Irish cookbook. Dan will proceed with bracelets.

Looking into a golf tournament.

Tom is looking into an Irish dinner Oct. 16.

Rick Aleksy mentioned a casino night.

JP McCusker suggested the division hold a clothing drive in the fall and next spring supporting Medical Missionaries.

On another topic, JP asked that the division investigate the possibility of bonding the Financial Secretary, Treasurer, and perhaps major event chairmen.

Good of the order:

Tom Masarick for prayers for Joe Cahill who is making a recovery. We also need to help Mike McManus. JP asked about a ramp for Mike.

Juanita Oliver is not doing well.

End at 8:44 pm



Author: Brian Tumulty

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