President’s report July 2021

Tom Masarick

Division Picnic:

Since we met last, Vice President Pat Sullivan and his wife, Kay Sullivan, have hosted our annual division picnic at their house on June 26th.  There was plenty of food, games, and time for us to get together and talk over a cold drink.  It was a great event which I enjoyed; all expect to a butt-kicking that I received by PP Rick Ring on cornhole.  Thanks again Pat and Kay for opening your home to us.

Fr. Kelley Mass:

We celebrated a Mass in honor of our founder Fr. Edwin Kelley at All Saints on July 10th at 5:30 p.m. Thanks to all who attended.

Fr. Kelley arrived in Virginia in 1968 when was assigned associate pastor of Our Lady of Angels Parish in Woodbridge.  During his tenure there, he served as state chaplain for the Knights of Columbus.

 In 1974 Fr. Kelley moved over to All Saints Parish in Manassas to serve as associate pastor. During his tenure there he served as chaplain for the local George Brent Council of the Knights of Columbus.

Fr. Kelley’s service in the Stigmatine religious order took him to assignments as far away as Guam as well as New York and Virginia. 

Hunger Project:

On June 10, I attend an AOH State Meeting.  Each division reported on events they had completed in the past quarter.  There was an overwhelming number of hunger projects to feed the needy in their area.   I look forward to our discussion tonight on what we should do for the hunger project.

Potential New Projects:

Last night your division officers met to review our calendar for the next six months and to suggest new projects we need to consider.  Here is a list of a few that I am excited about:

  1. Social – Irish Dinner w/ Irish music at the KOC Hall – reasonably priced.
  2. Hunger Project – Work with St. Lucy’s in addition to our annual food drives
  3. Creating an Irish Cookbook as a fund raiser
  4. Selling Military Bracelets as a fund raiser
  5. Hosting a Golf Tournament as a fund raiser.
  6. Beer Tasting – Old Bust Head

We will talk more about these later in our meeting.


Please help me this year to work harder on “unity” and bringing us all closer together in order to accomplish the objectives of our division and to grow our membership.


Author: Brian Tumulty

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