Nominations for 2022 officers

At the Nov. 9 monthly meeting of the Father Kelley Division, the nominating committee presented its recommendation for candidates to serve as officers of the division in 2022.

The committee was chaired by immediate past president John Masarick along with David Riley and Vince Fitzpatrick.

Patrick Sullivan, our current vice president, was recommended to serve as president.

Daniel O’Leary, our current sentinel, was recommended to serve as vice president.

Michael Eggleston, our current historian, was recommended to serve as recording secretary.

Richard Aleksy was recommended to serve another term as financial secretary.

Richard Ring was recommended t serve another term as treasurer.

Douglas Morrison was recommended to serve as chair of the standing committee.

Greg Murray was recommended to serve as the marshal.

There was no recommendation for sentinel during the meeting, but a few minutes after we adjourned John Masarick added the name of Gregory Gibbons as a nomination. Gibbons had been unanimously approved for membership during the meeting.

O’Leary, the nominee for vice president, emailed a request to the recording secretary on Nov. 19 asking for immediate publication of his statement of candidacy for vice president and his qualifications. The recording secretary said he would email it in a few days. A few hours later the Vice President Sullivan emailed O’Leary’s statement to many of the members.

The election is the second Monday in December in the club room of the George Brent Council of the Knights of Columbus on Stonewall Road in Manassas.

Any Hibernian in good standing can be nominated from the floor to serve as an officer during that meeting on Dec. 13, which starts at 7:30 pm.

Here is O’Leary’s statement:

“I will be running for the Vice Presidents position for our division. I have been involved with the AOH since my father and family were members of the Black Jack Kehoe Division in PA. I was a wee lad. I have been apart and involved with other divisions in PA and NJ. I have also organized and participated in many charitable and non-charitable events with those divisions. 
I transferred to the Father Kelley Division when I moved to VA in 2009. From the very first meeting I felt a strong connection and dedication to the division. I still feel that today. Since joining the division I have organized and participated in many charitable and non-charitable events.   List of charitable events and fund raisers:

  1. AOH Window stickers
  2. Armed Forces Bracelets  
  3. Wine Tasting
  4. Spirits and Smokes
  5. OBH beer tasting at the Brewery.
  6. Bourbon and Cigar pairing. 2 Events
  7. Cocktail and Food Pairing. 2 Events
  8. Guest Bartender at OTSP. 2 Events
  9. Trip to Ireland kick off sales on 1/2 To Saint Patrick’s day
  10. Annual beer tasting event in January for TAPS and Able Forces. 10 years running. 

With the help from our devoted brothers, family and friends these events have been successful. Thank You all.Since my involvement with the AOH.  I have been Hibernian of the month 8 times and Hibernian of the year in 2011. That was an honor. Thank you, JP. 
I would like to thank the nominating committee for nominating me for the VP position.    My dedication and goals will remain the same with any position I hold in the division. Hope to see you all at the next meeting. Capt. Dan”    


Author: Brian Tumulty

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