President’s Report – Pat Sullivan

June 13, 2022

I wish to thank everyone who attended Mike McManus’s viewing and funeral.  It is a deep loss for the division but our Brother Mike I’m sure is receiving his eternal reward with our Lord.

As a division we’d done a bit of socializing and showing our Friendship, Unity, and Christian charity in many events to include our quarterly road cleanup, Spring picnic, Wine Social, and Golf Tournament as well as paying our last respects for Mike. 

As usual our Worthy Treasurer marshalled a group of us to pickup Jackson Drive.  Thanks to everyone who supported Rick and the division in the cleanup effort. 

Thanks Chris Sozio and our Organizer Pete Hawkins for putting together a lovely Spring picnic.  The facilities were marvelous and perfect.  Mike Riley even got in a bit of fishing and as expected, didn’t catch very much…. Sorry about that Mike. Chris, I also wish to thank your parents for assisting in the arrangements for the pavilion area.

The Wine social at Sunshine Ridge Farms Winery was quite beautiful.  If you’ve not been there, and you like wine, I suggest dropping by and trying their Cabernet Franc.  Thanks Bill Yochem for making all the arrangements with the winery. 

Lastly, the Charity Golf tournament put on by Vince Fitzpatrick was professional in every aspect which made it very easy and fun for all the participants.  I’m sure Vince will give us the full load-down when he gives his report.

I wish to make somewhat of a plea to the division:  We have many great events on our calendar, but only a few of us take advantage of the Unity and Friendship opportunities provided by the events.  The road clean-up is a little bit of work but its actually fun and after a cup of coffee and doughnut, we spend 40 minutes or so or however long it takes to walk Jackson Drive picking up some trash which is mostly cigarette butts but I think it was Greg or Tim who found a part of a car bumper which made for some interesting conversation.  I simply feel or wish for more of the division to enjoy the comradery of the bigger group.

No Meeting in July…. Hopefully that’s a Hurrah for everyone.  Next meeting will be on August 8th.  I’m trying to get the Holy Trinity hall so we can also exercise a Shamrock Degree.  If there is anyone who requires their Shamrock, please let Pete Hawkins and myself know.


Author: Mike Eggleston

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