Gerald Partsch January 31, 2024
Minutes of the January 8, 2024 Meeting of the Ancient Order of Hibernians
Father Kelley Division
Highlights of the Meeting: The budget for 2024 was discussed was approved. Events in January-March 2024 were discussed.
The meeting was called to order at 7:04 PM at the VFW Hall, 9304 Centerville Road in Manassas by President Greg Gibbons.
President Greg Gibbons recited the opening prayer, and the Division recited the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be.
Marshal Greg Rebbert led the division in the Pledge of Allegiance
The singing of Opening Ode, “O’Donnell Abu”, was suspended.
President Greg Gibbons declared the meeting duly open for the transaction of such business as may properly be brought before it.
Recording Secretary Jerry Partsch called the Roll of Officers:
President Greg Gibbons – Present
Vice-President Brian Tumulty – Present
Chaplain Father Daniel Reuwer – Excused
Recording Secretary Jerry Partsch – Present
Financial Secretary Rich Aleksy – Present
Treasurer Paul Hannan – Present
Standing Committee Doug Morrison – Excused
Marshal Greg Rebbert – Present
Sentinel Jerry Laffey – Present
Past President Pat Sullivan – Present
Reading of previous meeting minutes
Recording Secretary Jerry Partsch stated that Mike Eggleston distributed the minutes to all members via email and posted them online on December14, 2023. Past President Patrick Sullivan made a motion to accept the minutes as posted, J.P. McCusker seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Presidents Report:
- Scheduling conflict tonight, VFW will pass through. Appreciate it if we don’t get distracted.
- The Budget is necessary to move up in the agenda. Need to pass final 2024 Budget. Distributed last meeting.
- History Reports focus on Irish Saints beginning in February John McLaughlin will lead the discussion.
- Post Meeting Refreshments.
- Great group of AOH Brothers very capable and dedicated individually to our Motto, Friendship, Unity, Christian Charity. Unity is a Key for us.
Budget Discussion:
Vice-President Brian Tumulty and Treasurer Paul Hannan presented the budget. Tom Masarick made a motion to approve the budget, seconded by Bart Emanuel and the vote was unanimous. Membership clarification 70 total members including 60 paying members, 6 clergy,1 National Merit Member, and 3 Honorary Members.
Communications & Correspondence:
Recording Secretary Jerry Partsch reported that the division received Thank You letters from:
- Medical Missionaries
- House of Mercy
- Irish Culture Society of Virginia
- Downs Syndrome Association of Northern Virginia
Propositions on Candidates for Membership: No candidates to propose.
- President Greg Gibbons announced a Corporate Communion & Installation of Officers on 1/13 @ 5:30 PM
- J.P. McCusker reported that 267 raffle tickets had been sold, 144 were in circulation among division members and there were still 589 to sell. Ticket sales will be held after all Masses at All Saints Church the weekend of January 13th and 14th and would like 3 volunteers per entrance.
- Financial Secretary Rich Aleksy reported that 20 Cookbooks remained to sell.
- President Greg Gibbons reviewed the calendar with emphasis on January thru March.
- J.P. McCusker reported that the Division will be hosting the Virginia State Quarterly Meeting on January 27th and 10 volunteers are needed for set-up on Friday the 26th.
- Vince Fitzpatrick reported that the Beer Tasting will be on February 2nd.
- The next Division meeting is February 8th.
Report on Special Committees:
- Chaplain’s Reflection, Father Daniel Reuwer. No Report.
- Charities and Missions, Greg Rebbert. No Report.
- Freedom for all Ireland (FFAI), Dominic Preston: No Report.
- Report on the Standing Committee/Grievance, Doug Morrison: No Report.
- Historian, Mike Eggleston provided his report on The Changling read by Bart Emanuel
- Hibernian Hunger Project, Bart Emanuel: No Report.
- Immigration, Brian Tumulty provided his report on Immigration.
- Project St. Patrick, Rich Aleksy: Continue to remember priests and our seminarians in your prayers. 50 seminarians in the diocese.
- Pro-Life, Paul Huber provided his Pro-Life Report. Read by Jerry Partsch
- Publicity/Webmaster, Brian Tumulty: Efficient way to pay dues on-line.
- Report on the Sick/Visitation, Bill Yochem. No Report.
- Strategic Planner, Mike Riley. No Report.
- Veterans Affairs, Doug Morrison. Veterans Report Read by John Masarick.
- Paul Hannan gave the Report of the Treasurer and stated that the Signature cards are signed and will be taken to bank on January 9, 2024.
- Rich Aleksy gave the report on Bills and Claims and Receipts of the Meeting.
Unfinished Business: Budget approved earlier in the meeting.
New Business: Tom Masarick made a motion to excuse Doug Morrison, seconded by Patrick Sullivan and was unanimously approved.
Good and Welfare of the Order
Prayers: for Kay Sullivan, Kathleen Tumulty, Bart Emmanuel’s father, Gerry Ulrich’s sister-in-law, John McLaughlin’s friend, and Chris Sozio’s father, uncle, and sister-in-law. Prayer of thanksgiving for John McLaughlin’s sister-in-law on the birth of her child.
Prayer to St. Jude:
Saint Jude, glorious Apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the name of the traitor has caused you to be forgotten by many, but the true Church invokes you universally as the Patron of difficult cases, and of thing almost despaired of. Pray for us who are so helpless and alone. Intercede with God for us that he brings visible and speedy help. Come to our assistance in this great need that we may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all our necessities, tribulations, sufferings and particularly with those mentioned in the Good and Welfare of the Order and those who’s intentions are on our hearts, and that we may bless God and you with the Elect throughout Eternity. Amen.
Rap the gavel to be seated
Adjournment Motion:
J.P. McCusker made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Bill Yochem and the vote was unanimous.
Closing Prayer led by President Greg Gibbons
“In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And in the name of St. Patrick, the Glorious Apostle of Ireland, I declare this meeting closed. Grant, O Lord, who makes the minds of the faithful to be of one will, that we, Thy people may love what Thou has commanded, and desire what Thou has promised, and that amid the changes of the world our hearts may ever love and obey Thee, through Christ Our Lord, Amen.”
President: “Let us pray for our deceased Brothers & today Sisters”
The Division recited and Our Father, 3 Hail Mary’s, and a Glory Be
President: “Eternal Rest grant to them, O Lord”
Members: “And let perpetual light shine upon them”
President: “May they rest in peace”
Members: “Amen”
The Division recited 3 Hail Mary’s.
The meeting concluded at 8:15 PM.