February 12, 2024
Division Meeting Opening:
Time Start: 19:00
- Raps gavel once: “The Division will now come to order. Officers will assume their respective stations.” DO NOT STAND!
- Order: “Sentinel, keep close the meeting room door until the meeting is duly open”
- Order: “Marshal, check membership cards and ascertain if all present are duly qualified to remain”
- Responds “Worthy President, I find all members to be in good standing, except (list of names)”.
Propositions on Candidates for Membership: Brian Tumulty
Tom Canavan & Kevin O’Connell
- Brian Tumulty nominated the candidates, Patrick Sullivan seconded, unanimous vote by the members present to accept.
- The new members recited the St. Patrick’s Pledge.
- Raps gavel once: “All members please stand.”
- President led the opening prayer.
Opening Prayer
“In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen. And in the name of St. Patrick, the Glorious Apostle of Ireland, I open this meeting and beseech our Heavenly Father to watch over us and protect us. May He grant us that peace and harmony will always prevail among us, and that Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity will inspire all our deliberations, through Christ our Lord, Amen.”
President: Say one:
- Our Father
- Hail Mary
- Glory Be
President: Select someone to lead the Pledge of Allegiance
- Worthy Past President Tom Masarick, please lead the division in the Pledge of Allegiance
- All Members say the Pledge of Allegiance
President: Singing of Opening Ode, “O’Donnell Abu”
- We will suspend the singing of the Opening Ode
President: “I now declare this meeting duly open for the transaction of such business as may properly be brought before it.”
- Rap the gavel once “all please be seated.”
Meeting Agenda:
Recording Secretary, please call the Roll of Officers: (P: Present, E:Excused, A: Absent)
President: | Greg Gibbons | P |
Vice President: | Brian Tumulty | P |
Chaplain: | Fr. Daniel Reuwer | E |
Recording Secretary: | Jerry Partsch | P |
Financial Secretary: | Richard Aleksy | P |
Treasurer: | Paul Hannan | P |
Standing Committee: | Douglas Morrison | E |
Marshal: | Greg Rebbert | P |
Sentinel: | Jerry Laffey | P |
Past President: | Pat Sulivan | P |
Reading of Previous Minutes: Recording Secretary: Jerry Partsch
Minutes were posted online on January 31, 2024 and emailed to the membership.
- Mike Egleston made a motion to accept the minutes.
- Seconded by Tom Masarick
- Unanimous Vote to accept the minutes as posted.
- Rap gavel, minutes accepted.
Presidents Report:
- Kudos to all who participated in the State Meeting. FKD did a great job. The Unity of our brothers to put on this event made it a success from our standpoint. We had many folks who stepped up: Chair, Hall Manager, breakfast, lunch, Sub prep, clean up, sales table and reset the hall. The Marshall was a big support. FKD had seven brothers earn the Tower Degree.
- We conducted the Installation of Officers and Raffle ticket sales. This is the busiest time of the year for us. And it continues through March.
- We had a very successful February Beer tasting event led by Joe Martin & Vince F. In addition to the funds raised there was a lot of Friendship displayed.
- Hunger Project Report Submitted to National Office to obtain funds.
- Keep in mind these efforts make possible our Christian Charity donations. Again, many volunteers made this possible.
- Friendship – Refreshments afterwards. Welcome our new members.
- Future activities will be covered in the calendar review. I will point out we have the Fish Fry 8 March. Last year $650 was raised. We need you to accomplish this. 10 Volunteers.
Communications & Correspondence: Jerry Partsch
- There were no communications or correspondence.
Propositions on Candidates for Membership: Brian Tumulty
- Tom Canavan and Kevin O’Connell were welcomed into the division.
- Raffle Ticket Sales Stats (617 sold, 155 in circulation, 228 in inventory) Greg R.
- Ticket Sales 17/18 Feb JP/Greg R.
- Cookbook Status (18 remaining) Mike/Rich
- Calendar Events Greg G
- Road Cleanup 24 Feb John Masarick
- St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance 16 March Tom Masarick
- Report on Special Committees:
Reports On | Chair | Description |
Chaplain Homily | Fr. Daniel Reuwer | No report |
Charities and Missions | Greg Rebbert | Report on Medical Missionaries |
Freedom for all Ireland | Dominic Preston | Report on Michelle O’Neill |
Standing Committee/Grievance | Doug Morrison | No report |
Historian | Johnny McLaughlin | Report on St. Modomnoc of Ossory |
Hunger Project | Bart Emanuel | No report |
Immigration | Brian Tumulty | Report on Medical Professionals |
Project St. Patrick | Rich Aleksy | Pray for Priests and seminarians |
Pro-Life | Paul Huber | Report on Marches for Life |
Publicity/Webmaster | Brian Tumulty | Cookbooks are available on the website |
Report on the Sick/Visitation | Bill Yochem | Bill’s mom is now in hospice care |
Strategic Planner | Mike Riley | Report on political education |
Veterans Affairs | Doug Morrison | Veterans Report |
- Report of the Treasurer Paul Hannan
- Bills and Claims: Rich Aleksy
- Receipts of the meeting Rich Aleksy
Unfinished Business:
- Beer Tasting was a successful event Vince
New Business:
Move the March meeting from 11 March to 12 March.
- Motion by Tom Masarick, second by Patrick Sullivan, unanimous vote.
FKD Golf Outing will be Friday 10 May at Prince William Golf Course. Proceeds to support FKD Charities.
- 9 AM Shotgun Start; $120 per golfer Vince
Good and Welfare of the Order
— Prayers: For successful recovery Kay Sullivan & Kathleen Tumulty & Maggie McCusker. Bill Yochem’s Mom went into Hospice, Doug Morrison – bad hip, Kim Ulrich – eye, Rich Aleksy – kidney, lung, Chris Sozio requested prayers for himself and family members.
Rap the gavel for all to stand:
Prayer to St. Jude:
Saint Jude, glorious Apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the name of the traitor has caused you to be forgotten by many, but the true Church invokes you universally as the Patron of difficult cases, and of thing almost despaired of. Pray for us who are so helpless and alone. Intercede with God for us that he brings visible and speedy help. Come to our assistance in this great need that we may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all our necessities, tribulations, sufferings and particularly with those mentioned in the Good and Welfare of the Order and those who’s intentions are on our hearts, and that we may bless God and you with the Elect throughout Eternity. Amen.
Rap the gavel to be seated.
Adjournment Motion:
President: “Is there a motion to Adjourn”
- Motion by Tom Masarick
- Second by Dominic Preston
- Discussion was nonexistent.
- Vote was unanimous.
President: Raps gavel once, asks all to stand, and leads the division in the closing prayer.
Closing Prayer
“In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And in the name of St. Patrick, the Glorious Apostle of Ireland, I declare this meeting closed. Grant, O Lord, who makes the minds of the faithful to be of one will, that we, Thy people may love what Thou has commanded, and desire what Thou has promised, and that amid the changes of the world our hearts may ever love and obey Thee, through Christ Our Lord, Amen.”
President: “Let us pray for our deceased Brothers”& today Sisters especially Mary Burns & Agnes Aleksy. All say:
- Our Father
- 3 Hail Mary Mary’s
- Glory Be
Chaplain or President: “Eternal Rest grant to them, O Lord”
Members: “And let perpetual light shine upon them”
Chaplain or President: “May they rest in peace”
Members: “Amen”
President: Lead division in saying 3 Hail Mary’s
- Hail Mary
- Hail Mary
- Hail Mary
“Brothers, you are cautioned against speaking of anything that has transpired at this meeting to any but those who you know to be members in good standing and bound by the same fraternal ties of Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity”
- Closing Ode: Skip
- 50/50 Raffle Drawing: Vince was the winner
- Refreshments next
Meeting Conclusion
President: Raps the gavel saying:
“This meeting now stands adjourned until our next regular meeting on Monday, February 12, except in case of emergency, in which event, you will be duly notified”
Time End: 20:15