June 10, 2024 Meeting Minutes

 The meeting started at 19:00 as President Greg Gibbons called the Division to order.

Candidates for Membership:  Kevin O’Connell proposed David Ralston for membership, and he was unanimously accepted as a new member and David took the St. Patrick Oath.

President Greg Gibbons recited the opening prayer, and the Division recited the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be.

Brother Vince Fitzpatrick led the Division in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. 

The singing of the opening ode, “O’Donnell Abu”, was suspended.

President Greg Gibbons declared the meeting duly open for the transaction of such business as may properly brought before it.

Recording Secretary Jerry Partsch called the Roll of Officers
President Greg Gibbons Present
Vice President Brian Tumulty Excused
Chaplain Fr. Daniel Reuwer Excused
Recording Secretary Jerry Partsch Present
Financial Secretary Rich Aleksy Present
Treasurer Paul Hannan Present
Marshall Greg Rebbert Present
Sentinel Jerry Laffey Present
Past President Pat Sullivan Present
Recording Secretary Jerry Partsch stated the Minutes of the previous meeting were emailed to the membership and posted online.  Doug Morrison made a motion to accept the minutes, Vince Fitzpatrick seconded the motion, and the vote was unanimous.

Presidents Report: 
Our busy year continues.  Thank you to Vince Fitzpatrick who was the chair for the 10 May Golf Tournament.  Our net was $1,094 to support our charity work.
On 1 June we held the Hunger Project.  Bart Emanuel was the lead.  We had outstanding participation, 13 Brothers and three Pickup Trucks.  Thank you, Bart, and to all who participated.  The Bethany Food Pantry was very appreciative.  They had a crew come in on Saturday to put it all away. 1,680.9 pounds of food collected, and it was targeted on the foods that the pantry needs.
Thank you to Bill Yochem for the 8 June Wine Tasting at Sunshine Ridge Farm Winery.  The weather was beautiful and the company great.  Unfortunately, we had a low turnout
22 June is the Summer Picnic.  Chris Sozio is the Chair with Greg Rebbert and Paul Hannan supporting.  The Picnic is held at a Pavilion on the Occoquan River.  The Division provides the beverages and the meats.  Attendees bring a side dish.
Greg Rebbert and I attended the ribbon cutting for the Willing Warriors Lodge.  Our Division made a charitable contribution last year.”

Communications & Correspondence:  Received a Thank you note from the Bethany Food Pantry for the donation of food from the Hunger Project.

Propositions on Candidates for Membership:  David Ralston was welcomed into the division.

Greg Gibbons presented the upcoming Calendar Events
No July Meeting
20 July Father Kelley Mass at All Saints Church 5:30 PM
18 August Lady of Knock Mass at All Saints Church 9:30 AM followed by Corporate Communion at Knights Hall.
Report on Special Committees
Chaplain Homily Fr. Daniel Reuwer No Report
Charities and Missions Greg RebbertIrish Culture Society of Virginia
Freedom for all Ireland Dominic Preston No Report
Standing Committee/Grievance Doug Morrison No Report
Historian Johnny McLaughlin Report provided on St. Oliver Plunkett
Hunger Project Bart Emmanual No Report
Immigration Brian Tumulty No Report
Project St. Patrick Rich Aleksy Pray for Priests, Deacons, and Seminarians
Pro-Life Paul Huber Arrests of pro-life advocates
Publicity/Webmaster Brian Tumulty No Report Report on the Sick/Visitation Bill Yochem Prayers for Kathleen Tumulty who is in hospice care; Rich Aleksy surgery tomorrow; Kay Sullivan’s cancer treatment
Strategic Planner Mike Riley No Report
Veterans Affairs Doug Morrison D-Day; Flynn
Paul Hannan gave the Report of the Treasurer
Rich Aleksy gave the report on Bills and Claims and Receipts of the meeting.

Unfinished Business:
Past President Dinner, Greg Rebbert is coordinating with OTSP.
Next road cleanup is scheduled for 15 June at 8 AM.
Picnic is 22 June, sign-up sheet available.  Chris: Comments.

New Business:

Good and Welfare of the Order
RJ Burns Birthday!!
Brother John McLaughlin spoke about a program being run during June by the Legion of Mary regarding the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
No Division Meeting in July.  Next Division meeting 12 August. 
Prayers for Kay Sullivan, Kathleen Tumulty, Maggie McCusker, Kim Ulrich, and Rich Aleksy
Any Other Prayers or intentions or announcements.
Chris Sozio asked for prayers for his niece who was in the hospital since 31 May and for his neighbors.
Vince Fitzpatrick asked for prayers for his granddaughter.
John McLaughlin asked for prayers of thanksgiving for his father who has recovered. And for the repose of the soul of his uncle’s brother who passed away 2 days ago, and for his friend’s surgery tomorrow.
Prayer to St. Jude:
Saint Jude, glorious Apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the name of the traitor has caused you to be forgotten by many, but the true Church invokes you universally as the Patron of difficult cases, and of thing almost despaired of.   Pray for us who are so helpless and alone.  Intercede with God for us that he brings visible and speedy help.  Come to our assistance in this great need that we may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all our necessities, tribulations, sufferings and particularly with those mentioned in the Good and Welfare of the Order and those who’s intentions are on our hearts, and that we may bless God and you with the Elect throughout Eternity.     Amen.
Adjournment Motion:
Doug Morrison made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Vince Fitzpatrick and the vote was unanimous.
Closing Prayer was led by President Greg Gibbons
In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  And in the name of St. Patrick, the Glorious Apostle of Ireland, I declare this meeting closed.  Grant, O Lord, who makes the minds of the faithful to be of one will, that we, Thy people may love what Thou has commanded, and desire what Thou has promised, and that amid the changes of the world our hearts may ever love and obey Thee, through Christ Our Lord, Amen.”

President: “Let us pray for our deceased Brothers & today Sisters especially Mary Burns & Agnes Aleksy. Bill Yochem’s Mom, Mike Curry’s Mom and my brothers Ken & Pete who both passed away in the last five months.
The Division recited an Our Father, 3 Hail Mary’s, and a Glory Be
President: “Eternal Rest grant to them, O Lord
Members: “And let perpetual light shine upon them
President: “May they rest in peace”
Members: “Amen”

The Division recited 3 Hail Mary’s

Meeting Concluded at 19:56


Author: Gerald Partsch

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