Candidate Don Driscoll was inducted as a new member.
President Greg Gibbons called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
All members stood and Gibbons said the opening prayer: “In the name of St. Patrick, the Glorious Apostle of Ireland, I open this meeting and beseech our Heavenly Father to watch over us and protect us. May He grant us that peace and harmony will always prevail among us, and that Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity will inspire all our deliberations, through Christ our Lord,
Mike Eggleston led the division in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll of officers:
President: Greg Gibbons P
Vice President: Brian Tumulty P
Chaplain: Fr. Daniel Reuwer E
Recording Secretary: Jerry Partsch E
Financial Secretary: Richard Aleksy P
Treasurer: Paul Hannan P
Standing Committee: Douglas Morrison P
Marshall: Greg Rebbert P
Sentinel: Jerry Laffey P
Past President: Pat Sulivan P
Reading of Previous Minutes: Postponed
Presidents Report:
Brothers, Thank you for all the hard work and support during this year. We had a great
year living the motto Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity. Friendship was
demonstrated with activities such as the Friday Night event with Tim
Trant, and the Past Presidents’ Dinner which was well received.
Unity was displayed as we worked together on the Road Cleanup, the food drive, ticket
sales and volunteer events such as working the Fish Fry.
And, of course, Christian charity with our numerous donations and efforts.
As we move forward, we will evaluate what was successful and use it as a foundation to build upon. We are an active, successful and growing Division. We’ll close out the year tonight
with our party and I wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas!
Communications & Correspondence: Jerry Partsch
Propositions on Candidates for Membership: Brian Tumulty
- Calendar Events Patrick Sullivan
- Report on Special Committees:
Charities and Missions Greg Rebbert x
Freedom for all Ireland Dominic Preston
Standing Committee/Grievance Doug Morrison
Historian Johnny McLaughlin x
Hunger Project Bart Emanual
Immigration Brian Tumulty x
Project St. Patrick Rich Aleksy x
Pro-Life Paul Huber
Publicity/Webmaster Brian Tumulty x
Report on the Sick/Visitation Bill Yochem
Strategic Planner Mike Riley
Veterans Affairs Doug Morrison
- Report of the Treasurer Paul Hannan
- Bills and Claims: Rich Aleksy
- Receipts of the meeting Rich Aleksy
Unfinished Business:
- Please consider purchasing Sales of Cookbooks, Bracelets, Magnets and
Raffle Tickets as Stocking stuffers. - JP on Ticket Sales to date.
New Business: - Father Daniel said he would attend our 13 Jan 2025 meeting for the
Installation of Officers. State president Bob Fay designated State Officer
Patrick Sullivan to officiate. Need Medallions for the Installation. - A beer tasting event is scheduled for the last Friday in January. But that may
change. Kevin O’Connell has the lead. The funds raised support TAPS and
Able Forces. - St Patrick’s Day Parade is March 8, 2025. Mark your calendar. Alexandria parade is on and is March 1, the week before ours.
Good and Welfare of the Order
Prayers and intentions were announced.
“In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And in the name of St.
Patrick, the Glorious Apostle of Ireland, I declare this meeting closed. Grant, O
Lord, who makes the minds of the faithful to be of one will, that we, Thy people
may love what Thou has commanded, and desire what Thou has promised, and that
amid the changes of the world our hearts may ever love and obey Thee, through
Christ Our Lord, Amen.”
The president led the members in several prayers for the deceased.
The president led the division in three Hail Marys for vocations.
50/50 Raffle Drawing & Refreshments
The meeting adjourned at 8:54 p.m. until the next business meeting on Jan. 13, 2025.