President’s Report – Patrick Sullivan

On Saturday, 7 May, the VA State meeting was hosted by Col. Thomas J. Cunningham division at VFW post 1177 in Leesburg VA.  A few points I wish to make about the meeting:

  1. There was a lengthy discussion on the upcoming National Vote on removal of the “men’s only” clause from the National Constitution. Many points were presented against and to a much lesser degree, For the change. Discussions revolved around the central topic itself of removal of the clause and also on the content of the April Zoom meeting. 

There will be another zoom meeting tonight and Wednesday night with the agenda including organizations who’ve already gone through this change as well as the LAOH may have a word in the discussion.  Whatever the agenda, it should be interesting.

There will be a final zoom meeting next month in preparations for a vote scheduled at the National Convention in July.

  • That brings me to me second point: Delegates.  Since we are a division of less than 100, we are allowed 1 divisional delegate and one alternate.  The delegate gets one vote at the National Convention.  The alternate can only vote if the delegate cannot for whatever reason.  By my position as President of Father Edwin Kelley Division, I am a VA State delegate.  Dan O’Leary as VP, will be my alternate.
  • Following the state meeting, the Brian Boru degree team performed the tower degree.  We had 4 brothers receive the exemplifications: Pete Hawkins, Greg Gibbons, Greg Murray, and Mike Eggleston.

Author: Mike Eggleston

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