Minutes of the October 9, 2023 Father Kelley Division Ancient Order of Hibernians Meeting – Mike Eggleston

Highlights of the Meeting: Father Kelley Division: New members (Tim Mayer and Matt Driscoll) were introduced and welcomed to our division. Fund-raising activities and recruiting opportunities were discussed. The calendar of events was updated and the Nominating Committee for the election of 2024 division officers reported progress.

          The meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM at the VFW Hall, 9304 Centerville Road in Manassas by President Pat Sullivan.

Recitation of the Opening Prayer & Pledge of Allegiance: 


  • Wraps gavel once: “The Division will now come to order.  Officers will assume their respective stations.”  DO NOT STAND!
  • Order: “Sentinel, keep closed the meeting room door until the meeting is duly open.”
  • Order: “Marshal, check membership cards and ascertain if all present are duly qualified to remain”


  • “Worthy President, I find all members to be in good standing.


  • Wraps gavel once: “All members please stand.”

Opening Prayer

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen.  And in the name of St. Patrick, the Glorious Apostle of Ireland, I open this meeting and beseech our Heavenly Father to watch over us and protect us.  May He grant us that peace and harmony will always prevail among us, and that Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity will inspire all our deliberations, through Christ our Lord, Amen.”

President: Say one Our Father.

President: Worthy Marshall, please lead the division in the Pledge of Allegiance.

President: Singing of Opening Ode, “O’Donnell Abu”

  • We will suspend the singing of the Opening Ode

President: “I now declare this meeting duly open for the transaction of such business as may properly be brought before it.”

          Wrap the gavel once all please be seated.”

Meeting Agenda:

Recording Secretary accomplished the call of the Roll of Officers:

                       P: Present; E: Excused; A: Absent

President:Patrick SullivanP
Vice President:Greg GibbonsP
Chaplain:Fr. Daniel ReuwerE
Recording Secretary:Michael EgglestonP
Financial Secretary:Richard AleksyP
Treasurer:Brian TumultyP
Standing Committee:Douglas MorrisonE
Marshall: Greg RebbertP
Sentinel:Paul HannanA
Past President:Tom MasarickP

Minutes of the previous meeting. Mike Eggleston: On 28 September minutes were distributed to all members and were posted online. No changes were received. A motion to approve the minutes was made, seconded and those members present voted to approve the minutes as posted on the division website.

Presidents Report:

  1. We have new members but some of them cannot be here tonight. New candidate members DuBois and Gately have been contacted. The Shamrock degree ceremony will be rescheduled. He had a meeting with Father Daniel.
  2. Thanks to all who supported the early day wet Manassas Festival.  We sold several raffle tickets, cookbooks, and Keep Christ in Christmas magnets.  Let Tom give his report but total sales for all charity products was $979.00.
    1. Tom and Janet Masarick
    1. Greg Gibbons
    1. Greg Rebbert
    1. Chris Sozio
    1. Bill Yochem
    1. Jerry Laffey
    1. JP McCusker
    1. Brian Tumulty
  3. Next State Convention: 21 October hosted by Dooley Division at St. Mary’s in Glen Allen, Richmond.  The meeting starts at 10AM.
  4. There will be a National Prescription Drug Take-Back event on October 28, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Take a look inside your medicine cabinet and make a difference! If you have medications, you no longer need, haven’t used, or expired, bring them to one of the three collection sites around the county.

Date: October 28, 2023

Time: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm

Locations: UVA Health Haymarket, UVA Health Prince William, and Sentara Lake Ridge

Mike Eggleston will send an email on this.

Reports on Candidates for Membership, Pat Sullivan: We have two candidates: Joseph Dubois and Larry Gately. We should end up with five new members.

Communications & Correspondence, Mike Eggleston: We received an email  notice from VA State providing details about the 21 October State meeting.


Cookbook Status, Mike Eggleston: We received 226 copies of the cookbook from the publisher and have 32 remaining.

Calendar Events/Special Reports, Pat Sullivan reviewed the calendar:

  • October
    • 7 Oct: Jubilee (07 October)
    • 21 Oct: Project Food Drive Bull Run Giant. Bart Emanuel will provide text for an email that Mike Eggleston will send to the division. Pat Sullivan will approve the All Saints bulletin announcement.
    • 21 Oct: State Convention hosted by Dooley Division at St. Mary’s in Glen Allen, Richmond. Pat Sullivan will attend.
    • November
      • 4 Nov: Veterans Day Parade: I owe a summary to Mike Eggleston who will email the information to the division. The route will be the same as the St. Patrick’s Day parade.
      • 5 Nov: Deceased Members Mass: JP is our usual point man.
      • 5 Nov: Division Breakfast will follow the Mass. Greg Gibbons is putting that together. The breakfast will be in Knight’s Hall.
    • December
      • 11 Dec: ELECTIONS!! JP McCusker has the lead. He is preparing the list of candidates and will provide a full report at the next meeting.

Special Committees:

1.Chaplain’s Reflection,Father Daniel Reuwer. No Report.

2.Charities and Missions,Greg Rebbert has prepared a list of the charities, and this was reviewed and adjusted at the meeting to the below list. The Treasurer will also provide additional information to Greg.

  • 1.               Medical Missionaries (Dr. Irwin) – $ 450.00
  • 2.               Mother of Mercy Free Medical Clinic -$ 450.00
  • 3.               AOH Project St. Patrick – $ 500.00
  • 4.               American Cancer Society – Relay for Life – $ 450.00
  • 5.               House of Mercy – $ 450.00
  • 6.               The Irish Cultural Center of Virginia, Inc. – $ 450.00
  • 7.               Tragedy Assistance Program Surv – Beer Tasting Funds
  • 8.               Able Forces – Beer Tasting Funds
  • 9.               Boyle School of Irish Dance – $ 225.00
  • 10.             Phoenix School of Irish Dance – $ 225.00
  • 11.             Down Syndrome Association of Northern VA – $225.00

                                      Total: $4,100,00

3.Freedom for all Ireland (FFAI),Dominic Preston:No Report.     

4.Report on the Standing Committee/Grievance,Doug Morrison: No Report.

5.Historian,Mike Eggleston: provided his report on the Liam Lynch.

6. Hibernian Hunger Project,Bart Emanuel: Information was provided. See the above discussion.

7.Immigration,Brian Tumulty:

Two years ago, Entrepreneur magazine published a profile of the Chief Executive of Heineken USA. That CEO is Maggie Timoney who was a high school basketball star growing up in Ireland and came to the United States on a basketball scholarship to play for Iona College in New Rochelle. Timoney is the first woman to head a major brewery in the United States. Heineken has grown from a single brewery in Amsterdam nearly 150 years ago into a global business.

Timoney also previously general manager for Heineken Canada, SVP of HR in the US, and CEO for Heineken Ireland before taking on the role of Heineken USA CEO in 2018. In 1933, Heineken became the first imported beer to re-enter the US market after Prohibition, and today the company employs 400 people across the US.

Employment based immigration is a major driven of legal immigration, whether it involves a job transfer, as it did when Timoney became CEO of Heineken’s U.S. operations, or through the hiring of foreign students who complete their college education here in the United States. Timoney’s first few jobs after graduating from Iona College was in nearby New York City. Her undergraduate degree was in international studies. She remained at Iona to earn a master’s degree in business. She then worked less than a year as a sales representative for E and J Gallo Winery followed by working in several positions with increasing responsibility over a few years with Sound Distributing in the Bronx. Today’s New York Times includes a story about two natives of Dublin in their early 30s who are working in New York City because of job transfers. This real estate story says they are sharing a $7,250 a month two-bedroom apartment in downtown Brooklyn with a view of the Empire State Building. Niall Dennehy, age 31, came to New York City in January of 2022 as a global strategy and operation lead for a tech firm. He came on a work visa from his tech firm. Mark Stokes, age 32, came to New York in January 2018 as a managing director with an advisory firm for chief executive officers that he previously worked for in London.

In a global economy, that’s how highly educated Irish citizens are often making the move to the United States, and they are oftentimes helped in their careers by the Irish trait of friendliness and empathy for the people we meet. In the magazine interview, Timoney said her father always told her that whether you’re the man sweeping the street or the Pope himself, it’s still “ashes to ashes and dust to dust” in the end. Timoney said, “The majority of people are good people who try to do the right thing. The intent is there. Remember that your shared humanity is the greatest equalizer and proceed with that faith.”

8.Project St. Patrick, Rich Aleksy: Continue to remember priests and our seminarians in your prayers.

9.Pro-Life, Paul Huber: provided his Pro-Life Report.

10. Report on the Sick/Visitation, Bill Yochem mentioned Pat Sullivan’s knee surgery.

11.Publicity/Webmaster, Brian Tumulty:Brian will prepare an article about our DSANV Walk support for the Hibernian Digest.

12. Strategic Planner, Mike Riley: No Report.

13. Veterans Affairs, Doug Morrison: No Report.

 14. Report from the Treasurer. Brian Tumulty:  

Wells Fargo Bank Business Market Rate Savings August

Beginning balance $300.35 on September 1, 2023

Ending balance of $300.39 with 4 cents interest on September 30, 2023

Wells Fargo Business Checking June/July

Beginning balance on September 1 was $21 ,791.32.

September income from Deposits/Credits

9/15 deposit $1296.50.

(cookbooks, raffle, dues, initiation, golf tournament)

September expenses from withdrawals/debits

9/14 check 1706 $38.81 (Greg Gibbons for road cleanup) 9/15 check 1705 $100. (Vince Fitzpatrick for Fall Festival)

9/25 check 1707 $480.00 (refund golf to Mike Komelasky) 9/25 check 1708 $480.00 (refund golf to Greg Gibbons)

9/26 check 1709 $480.00 (refund golf to Pat Sullivan)

September expenses from withdrawals/debits totaled $1 ,578.81.

Ending balance on 9/30 was $21,509.01.

No outstanding uncashed checks Voided check # 1710

15. Bills and Claims: Rich Aleksy:


          Dues: $48.00

          Initiation Fees: $20.00

Cookbooks: $210.00      

          50/50 Raffle: $15.00

          Magnets: $15.00

          Ireland Trip Raffle: $1,595.00

          Bracelets: $35.00

          Total: $1,938.00


          23-017: Ireland Trip Tickets $290.00

23-018: Golf Tournament Refund $480.00

23-019: Golf Tournament Refund $480.00

23-020: Golf Tournament Refund $480.00

23-021: VFW Post 7589 $600.00      

Reminder dues will increase from $24 to $31 next year. Pat Sullivan explained that the dues increase is because of national and state increases. We are planning to simplify dues payments by using an on-line payment system.

     New Business: We have something for Vince Fitzpatrick that we’ll present later.

     Good and Welfare of the Order — Prayers:

Brian Tumulty’s wife Kathleen

Agnes Aleksy

Kay Sullivan

Chris Sozio asked for prayers for his dad and other family members.

Greg Gibbons asked for prayers for his two brothers who are ill.

Greg Gibbons mentioned that we should include our families when attending many of our activities, like the breakfast.

Wrap the gavel for all to stand:

Prayer to St. Jude:

     Saint Jude, glorious Apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the name of the traitor has caused you to be forgotten by many, but the true Church invokes you universally as the Patron of difficult cases, and of thing almost despaired of.   Pray for us who are so helpless and alone.  Intercede with God for us that he brings visible and speedy help.  Come to our assistance in this great need that we may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all our necessities, tribulations, sufferings and particularly with those mentioned in the Good and Welfare of the Order and those who’s intentions are on our hearts, and that we may bless God and you with the Elect throughout Eternity.


Wrap the gavel to be seated.

Adjournment Motion:

President: “Is there a motion to Adjourn?”

  • Motion
  • Second
  • Discussion
  • Vote

President: Wraps gavel once, asks all to stand.

Closing Prayer

In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  And in the name of St. Patrick, the Glorious Apostle of Ireland, I declare this meeting closed.  Grant, O Lord, who makes the minds of the faithful to be of one will, that we, Thy people may love what Thou has commanded, and desire what Thou has promised, and that amid the changes of the world our hearts may ever love and obey Thee, through Christ Our Lord, Amen.”

Chaplain or President: “Let us pray for our deceased Brothers” All say:

  • Our Father
  • 3 Hail Mary Mary’s
  • Glory Be

President:                            “Eternal Rest grant to them, O Lord

Members:                            “And let perpetual light shine upon them

Chaplain or President: “May they rest in peace.”

Members:                            “Amen”


President:  Lead division in saying 3 Hail Mary’s

  • Hail Mary
  • Hail Mary
  • Hail Mary


Brothers, you are cautioned against speaking of anything that has transpired at this meeting to any but those who you know to be members in good standing and bound by the same fraternal ties of Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity.”

  • Closing Ode:  Skip
  • 50/50 Raffle Drawing: Matt Driscoll won the drawing.
  • President’s Drawing: Tom Masarick won the President’s drawing.

Meeting Conclusion

President: Wraps the gavel saying:

“This meeting now stands adjourned until our next regular meeting on Monday, 13 November, except in case of emergency, in which event, you will be duly notified.” The meeting was adjourned at 8:05PM.


Author: Mike Eggleston

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