13 December 2021 Minutes

Highlights of the meeting include the election of Patrick Sullivan as president for 2022 and other officers as well the presentation of a plaque to Pete Hawk recognizing him as Hibernian of the year for 2021. The division also made a toast to recently deceased member Joe Cahill.

Division President Tom Masarick with Pete Hawk (right) holding a plaque recognizing him as Hibernian of the Year for 2021.

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the Division at the George Brent Council of the Knights of Columbus on Stonewall Road in Manassas by President Tom Masarick.

Recitation of the opening prayer & Pledge of Allegiance:

Our Father                         x

Hail Mary                           x                                         

St. Michael the Archangel x

Glory Be                            x

Pledge of Allegiance         x

Roll call of Officers for Fraternal Year 2021:

Position                           Name               Present/Absent/Excused

President                         Tom Masarick         P     

Vice President                 Patrick Sullivan        P

Chaplain                          Fr. Ed Guilloux        E

Recording Secretary        Brian Tumulty          P

Financial Secretary          Richard Aleksy        P

Treasurer                         Richard Ring            P

Standing Committee        Pete Hawkins          P

Marshall                          Mike Curry               P

Sentinel                           Dan O’Leary            P     

Immediate Past President John Masarick       P             

Minutes from previous meeting: Were approved in a unanimous vote as posted on the website.

Reading of communications and correspondence:

A letter dated Dec. 5 from Dr. Gilbert Irwin, president of Medical Missionaries, thanking the division for our $450 contribution

In addition, a letter from the American Cancer Society dated Nov. 22 thanking the Ancient Order of Hibernians for our support of the Relay for Life.

A third letter postmarked Nov. 15 from the family of Ron Farrah with a thank you to Pete Hawkins for his help on behalf of the Hibernians in putting together Ron’s celebration of life. Ron was proud to be a member of the Hibernians. Signed by the “Farrah Five” Kathleen, Eileen, Michael, Christie and John.

President’s Report: Tom Masarick —   

In summary, it’s been an honor to serve you as the AOH President of the Father Kelley Division from January to December 2021. I am grateful for all those who contributed for many events. And I’m proud to say I attended and participated in every event this year, did not let my other distractions get in the way.

Of all the projects, I liked the following the best.

The Gaelic Mass, that was really something special.

The Irish dinner and Irish music. I liked that.

The beer tasting at Old Busthead, I thought it was good beer and I thought that was a great event.

Ticket sales at the Manassas Fall Festival. That’s for what we do. And I thought that was an excellent event.

Our parades have with Halfway to St. Patrick’s Day. Very well done. Good parade.

State meeting. Our division is very well respected at the state level.

I plan to reallocate my bandwidth to make the Bishop Flaherty Assembly my top priority as faithful navigator for the remainder of my time, which is six more months.

Skipping ahead to the election of officer, I would like to congratulate our new 2022 officers and wish them best that they make decisions for the good of all our members for the for the Father Kelly division.

I will remain active.

Introduction on new candidates: none

Chaplain’s Report: No report

Report of the committee on the sick: Pete Hawkins reported on

One sympathy card to Chris S. for the passing of his grandmother.

Report on the Standing Committee:  Pete Hawkins reported all members are in good standing.

Events/ calendar: report by Pete Hawkins. Pete said there is no official calendar because we are in transition. He passed out an unofficial calendar that is subject to changes by the new officers.

The first meeting of 2022 is Jan. 10 at 7:30 pm in the club room. The installation of officers would be on Saturday, Jan. 15 in the chapel of All Saints Church immediately following the 5:30 pm vigil Mass.

Beer tasting is Jan 28.

January we can discuss in more detail in January at the division meeting.

February there’s possibly a road cleanup if you want to start that soon. No date yet for St. Brigid’s gala in February.

JP said March 13 raffle sales.

Parade is the 12th of March.

Bingo kitchen: Tom said $100 received and another $100 on the way

Freedom for All Ireland: Dominic Preston – not present

Historian: Mike Eggleston – Good Friday Agreement of 1998

Bogside Mural Tribute to John Hume

The Belfast Agreement is also known as the Good Friday Agreement, because it was reached on Good Friday, 10 April 1998. It was an agreement between the British and Irish governments, and most of the political parties in Northern Ireland, on how Northern Ireland should be governed. This followed thirty years of violence in Northern Ireland called the Troubles. The talks leading to the Agreement addressed issues which had caused conflict during previous decades. The aim was to establish a new, devolved government for Northern Ireland in which unionists (those who wanted Northern Ireland to remain part of the UK) and nationalists (those who wanted Northern Ireland to become part of the Republic of Ireland) would share power.

On the constitutional question of whether Northern Ireland should remain in the UK or become part of a united Ireland, it was agreed that there would be no change without the consent of the majority. This is called the ‘principle of consent’. Majority opinion in the future could be tested by referendum.

The two main political parties to the Agreement were the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP), led by David Trimble and the Social Democratic and Labor Party (SDLP), led by John Hume. The two leaders jointly won the 1998 Nobel Peace Prize. Other parties involved in reaching the agreement included Sinn Fein, the Alliance Party and the Progressive Unionist Party. The Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), which later became the largest unionist party, did not support the Agreement. It walked out of talks when Sinn Fein and loyalist parties joined, because republican and loyalist paramilitary weapons had not been decommissioned.

As with other Troubles events, a Bogside mural was displayed celebrating the agreement. The mural shows John Hume who had championed democratic rights for oppressed Catholics and other Noble Peace Price winners, Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa and Nelson Mandela.

This concludes the series of presentations on the Troubles that I have provided over the past few months. In January I’ll provide a presentation on the Molly Maguires, a nineteen-century group of coalminers in Pennsylvania who sought to improve wages and living conditions.

Immigration: Richard Ring – No report

Trip to Ireland – JP said that raffle ticket sales are doing well. He has tickets.

St Patrick’s Day Parade – Vince is not here

Pro – Life: Mike McManus—cannot be here

Political Education: Vince Fitzpatrick – no report

Veteran Affairs: Doug Morrison – two pocketbook issues – disability will go up about 6% and new governor is committed to reducing or eliminating income tax on veterans’ retirement pay. New York has high taxes but does not impose its income tax on veterans’ retirement pay.

Strategic Planning: Mike Riley – It’s my final report. If the strategic plan does continue, I’d like you to consider discussing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats next year. And your agenda should include what keeps you awake at night, we should come together to brainstorm and figure out what our aspirations are. As far as planning goes, you know, pray plan and continuous. We have business cards that highlight the prayed and take those there’s a QR code on the back which is nice. So that’s part of our strategic planning as well as to promote our friendship unity Christian charity. Thank you.

Webmaster: Brian Tumulty – ready to continue in 2022 if requested by the new administration.

Hibernian Hunger Project: Bart Emanuel said he has contacted Giant, which does not allow any activity. He suggested that members participate in other charity drives.

Medical Missionaries – JP McCusker said we have overwhelmed them with donations. They are now looking for toothpaste and soap because of the tornado damage. Tom said 4 truckloads went there.

Charities: Rich Aleksy – We finished up our end of the year charities. Keep our seminarians on your mind through Project St. Patrick.

Project St. Patrick: Rich Aleksy —

Club Room: Mike Curry – The room is available on Fridays for members to cook as a fundraiser for the AOH.

Auditors Report: Vince Fitzpatrick – no report

Bills and Claims: Financial SecretaryRich Aleksy –

21-034 check payable to TAPs of $381.

21-035 check payable to Able Forces of $381.

21-036 check for AOH Hibernian plaque $109.18

Total of $871.18

Receipts (Income): Financial Secretary Rich Aleksy –

$100 from bingo kitchen.

$15 from KCIC magnets.

$125 from Ireland trip raffle.

$90 from bracelets

Total $330

Report of the Treasurer: Richard Ring –

Starting balance for November = $18,852.22

November income = $4,361.81

November expenses = $5,032.07

Uncashed checks (7) = $2,700

Ending bank statement balance for November 2021 = $20,881.96

Closing bank register balance $18,181.96

Updated 13 December 2021 by Rick Ring

Bank register is reconciled.

Unfinished business: none

New Business:

Election of 2022 officers

Pat Sullivan for president – unanimous

Daniel O’Leary for vice president – unanimous

Mike Eggleston for recording secretary – unanimous

Rich Aleksy for financial secretary – unanimous

Richard Ring for treasurer – unanimous

Doug Morrison for standing committee – unanimous

Greg Murray for marshal – unanimous

Greg Gibbons for sentinel – unanimous

President Tom M. thanked the nominating committee for their work assembling a full slate of officers.

Good of the order:

Chris S. spoke about on his grandmother’s recent funeral, including an anecdote about the gravesite ceremony. His dad, who was grieving at the loss of his mother at the time, suddenly broke out in laughter when one lady from the funeral home fell into the grave. The woman was not injured and one of the funeral home employees said that in 40 years of working there, it was the first time someone had fallen into a grave.

Doug Morrison said his newborn granddaughter Helen is doing well and has gained weight. Meanwhile, his daughter has been diagnosed with a form of leukemia, but she is in good spirits.

Pat Sullivan said his wife has heart issues.

Rick Aleksy said his wife is recovering from her recent injury and attending the Ladies K of C meeting tonight.

Dennis said his brother has a growth.

Paul Hannan requested prayers for his wife who has had Alzheimer for 10-1/2 years and now barely speaks.

Dan O’Leary also requested prayers and JP requested prayers for Mary Burns.

Adjourned 8:21

Following the official meeting, members participated in a Christmas party the included a toast to recently deceased member Joe Cahill. The division shared cups of Jameson Irish Whiskey from a bottle that Joe had won in a raffle.

Toast to Joe Cahill by the Father Kelley Division of the Ancient Order of Hibernians


Author: Mike Eggleston

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