November 9, 2021 minutes
Highlights include a unanimous vote to go back to meeting on the second Monday of each month beginning in December and the nomination of officers for 2022 who will be voted on Dec. 13. We also will have a potluck…
Nominations for 2022 officers
At the Nov. 9 monthly meeting of the Father Kelley Division, the nominating committee presented its recommendation for candidates to serve as officers of the division in 2022. The committee was chaired by immediate past president John Masarick along with…
October 12, 2021 minutes
The Father Kelley Division of the Ancient Order of Hibernians will vote Nov. 9 on moving its monthly meetings to the second Monday of each month because of a motion made at the October meeting. Other highlights of the October…
September 14 minutes 2021
Highlights are the death of Ron Farra, a suggestion by Pat Sullivan and Mike Riley that the October agenda include a vote on what night our meetings should be held, and JP giving notice that he will discuss bonding of…
August 10 minutes
The highlights of the meeting were a presentation on Bloody Sunday and a unanimous vote to spend $150 for 100 military bracelets that will be sold for $5 each as a fundraiser. This document summarizes the monthly meeting of the…
July 13, 2021 minutes
This document summarizes the monthly meeting of the Father Kelley Division of the Ancient Order of Hibernians held on video via Zoom and in person at the George Brent Council of the Knights of Columbus in Manassas. 12 members were…
President’s report July 2021
Tom Masarick Division Picnic: Since we met last, Vice President Pat Sullivan and his wife, Kay Sullivan, have hosted our annual division picnic at their house on June 26th. There was plenty of food, games, and time for us to…
June 8, 2021 minutes
This meeting included yet another time-consuming rehash of the ongoing debate over which night the division should meet. Historian Mike Eggleston was not recognized to deliver his report. This document summarizes the monthly meeting of the Father Kelley Division of…
May 11, 2021 minutes
Highlights include approval of updated bylaws by 13 of the 19 members who attended. Three outstanding issues involving the status of clergy on our rolls, whether to allow written proxy voting and the date of future meetings will be reconsidered…
President’s message May 11
Father Kelley Division of the Ancient Order of Hibernians Tuesday, May 11th, 2021 Tom Masarick – President’s Report: Fr. Kelley Division Accomplishment and challenges: By-Laws – – Tonight we will vote on the proposed By-Laws of the Fr. Kelley Division…
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