Author: Brian Tumulty
2025 beer tasting
The Ancient Order of Hibernians Father Kelley Division held its annual beer tasting on February 7 at the Old Towne Sports Pub in Manassas to benefit military charities. Able Forces and Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) are the two…
December 13, 2024 minutes
Candidate Don Driscoll was inducted as a new member. President Greg Gibbons called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. All members stood and Gibbons said the opening prayer: “In the name of St. Patrick, the Glorious Apostle of Ireland,…
$10 raffle tickets for trip to Ireland
We are pleased to announce that nearly all 1,000 raffle tickets for our 2025 raffle for a seven-day trip to Ireland have been sold. As a result, there will be no sales after Sunday Masses at All Saints Church for…
Military bracelets $5 each
Custom-made bracelets with logos for each branch of the U.S. military
$5,000 donated for St. Patrick alcove
Our division made a $5,000 donation to the new alcove dedicated to St. Patrick at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More in Arlington to Father Joseph Farrell during our Sept. 9 monthly business meeting. In addition, Inishfail Chairman Vincent Fitzpatrick…
Ireland is now an immigration destination
Immigration report AOH September 2024 For the third consecutive year, the number of people seeking a better life in Ireland has continued to outnumber the people who left, according to a new report by Ireland’s Central Statistics Office 149,200 immigrants…
Aug. 24 Stonewall Road cleanup
Our division completed its latest quarterly cleanup of Stonewall Road on Aug. 24. This Saturday morning event drew about eight members of our division. As usual, we began with the fellowship of sharing coffee and donuts provided by past president…
AOH’s past president’s dinner draws a crowd
More than 30 members of our division and their spouses attended a dinner Saturday evening at the City Tavern in Manassas to recognize Patrick Sullivan’s two years of service as our president in 2022 and 2023. Half a dozen other…
Our Lady of Knock Mass & breakfast
Thirty-five members of the Ancient Order of Hibernians Father Kelley Division and their families attended the 9:30 a.m. Mass at All Saints on August 18 to commemorate the apparition of Our Lady of Knock. After the Mass, about 30 of…
Fitzpatrick is Virginia Hibernian of 2023
Vince Fitzpatrick has been named the Hibernian of the Year by the Ancient Order of Hibernians, beating nine other candidates who other divisions proposed. State Treasurer Patrick Sullivan presented the award at the August 12 meeting of the Father Edwin…
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