Minutes of the June 13, 2022 Meeting – Mike Eggleston

Highlights of the Meeting: Changes to the calendar and new events were discussed.

The results of our activities over the last month were reviewed. The National Convention in July was discussed including our vote and payment of expenses for our representatives. Commemoration of our deceased brother Mike McManus included comments and a charter draping ceremony.

The meeting was called to order at 7:32 PM. at the George Brent Council of the Knights of Columbus Club Room on 9290 Stonewall Road in Manassas by President Pat Sullivan.

Recitation of the opening prayer & Pledge of Allegiance:

Opening Prayer

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen.  And in the name of St. Patrick, the Glorious Apostle of Ireland, I open this meeting and beseech our Heavenly Father to watch over us and protect us.  May He grant us that peace and harmony will always prevail among us, and that Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity will inspire all our deliberations, through Christ our Lord, Amen.”

Our Father                          x

Pledge of Allegiance          x

Roll call of Officers for Fraternal Year 2022 (Present, Absent or Excused):

President:Patrick SullivanP
Vice President:Daniel O’LearyP
Chaplain:Father Edouard GuillouxE
Recording Secretary:Michael EgglestonP
Financial Secretary:Richard AleksyP
Treasurer:Richard RingE
Standing Committee:Douglas MorrisonE
Marshall: Greg MurrayP
Sentinel:Greg GibbonsP
Past President:Tom MasarickP

Minutes from previous meeting, Mike Eggleston: The 9 May Minutes were distributed to all members and were posted to the Division website on 11 May. JP proposed changes that have been incorporated in the minutes and the minutes were posted to our website. A motion to approve the minutes was made, seconded and the members voted to approve the Minutes as posted on the Division website.

President’s Report:  Pat Sullivan discussed his President’s Report. The President thanked all who attended the viewing and funeral of Mike McManus whose passing is deep loss for the Division. The Division has had a good bit of socializing in the past month consistent with our goals of Fraternity, Unity and Christian Charity. Our events included the Spring picnic, Wine & Beer Tasting, golf tournament and road cleanup. These helped our efforts to collect funds for charity. We should thank Chris Sozio, his parents and Pete Hawkins for the picnic. I want to thank Bill Yochem for the Beer & Wine Tasting. The golf tournament put on by Vince Fitzpatrick was professional in every aspect. Vince thinks we will make $1,200 when all of the receipts come in. Rick Ring runs our road cleanup and it is actually an opportunity for good fun including coffee, donuts and friendship. We have many great events on our calendar but only a few of our members participate and take advantage of our unity and friendship. Some of our events cost no money.  We need to talk up our events with all of our brothers. There will be no Division meeting in July. In August we’ll have our meeting on the 8th and hope to be able to do it at Holy Trinity Church where we also plan to accomplish the Shamrock Degree.

Propositions for Membership, Pete Hawkins: No new candidates were identified.

Reading of Communications and Correspondence: Mike Eggleston: Mass and sympathy cards were sent to Maggie McManus for the passing of her husband, Mike McManus. Thanks to Bill Yochem for getting the cards out.


Golf Tournament, Vince Fitzpatrick. The President spoke for Vince Fitzpatrick: It was a beautiful day to play golf. I had a chance to play golf with family members. The way Vince had it set up it was a fun day. We plan to put it on the calendar next year.

Calendar Events/Special Reports, Pete Hawkins: Pete distributed an update to the Calendar of Events. Pete thanked members who participated in events over the past month. He summarized future calendar events as follows. We have the Father Kelley Mass at All Saints, 5:30 PM on Saturday, 9 July. As mentioned, there will be no Division meeting in July, but we will have an Officers’ meeting at Pat Sullivan’s house on 19 July at 7:30 PM. The AOH National Convention is 13-17 July. On 8 August we have the Father Kelley Division meeting planned for Holy Trinity as previously mentioned. Our Lady of Knock Mass is scheduled for 21 August at All Saint’s 9:30 AM. On September 17th we have the Half-Way to St. Patrick’s Day and in October we have the Manassas Fall Jubilee on the 1st which is a big fund-raiser for selling tickets. We have also been talking about a fund-raiser dinner like bratwurst and beer. If anyone would like to volunteer or take the lead on this please let Pat Sullivan and me know.

Special Committees:

Catholic Action, Father Edouard Guilloux: No Report.

Charities and Missions, Greg Rebbert: No Report.

Freedom for all Ireland, Dominic Preston: No Report.

Report on the Standing Committee/Grievance, Doug Morrison: No Report.

Historian, Mike Eggleston: Mike provided a report on Mother Jones.

Hunger Project, Bart Emanuel: We are working on September or October for the Hunger Project.

Immigration, Rick Ring: No Report.

Project St. Patrick, Rich Aleksy: Rich asked that we keep seminarians in our prayers. Six of these are now priests.

Publicity/Webmaster, Brian Tumulty: No Report.

Report on the Sick/Visitation, Bill Yochem: No Report other than previous comments regarding help given Mike McManus.

Strategic Planner, Mike Riley: No Report.

  Veteran’s Affairs, Doug Morrison: Doug is on travel but left notes for Pat Sullivan: The Virginia State budget passed but did not include the Veteran’s Retirement Pay Waiver. Passed the House but remained in the Senate committee and not reported out.

Bills and Claims, Rich Aleksy:  Rich reported Income:   Division Golf Tournament:    $2,914.00

                         Pay Pal – Golf Tourn.:                                  $    682.64

                         50 / 50 Raffle:                                               $      61.00

                         Bracelets:                                                      $      10.00

        Vouchers:  22-013   Division Picnic / Peter Hawkins:  $     309.14

                          22-014   Road Cleanup / Rick Ring:           $       36.02

We still have four brothers whose dues are in arrears. This was discussed and it was noted that two of the four no longer wish to be Hibernians. JP McCusker made the point that if these two people wish to leave, we should accommodate them.

Report of the Treasurer, Rick Ring: Rick was not present, but his Report of the Treasurer was posted to the Division website. It was summarized by Pat Sullivan: For May, starting balance was $21,947.40; deposits were $1,137.47; expenses were $3,500; Ending monthly balance was $19,584.87. The bank register is reconciled.

Unfinished business: Pat Sullivan summarized unfinished business. We tabled a decision last month on paying for our delegates to go to the National Convention. I wish to move that to August because we have no meeting next month. Also, we don’t have enough people here to vote anyway. It’s prudent to move it to August when we’ll have trip receipts. Rick Ring will also have a chance to look at the budget in August to see what can be done to fund the delegates’ expenses.

The other unfinished business is regarding our vote at the National Convention. Should we vote for or against removing the “Men Only” clause. Since we don’t have a quorum here to vote it’s up to the President since he’s the voting delegate. After talking to many members in our division I found only one person who was strongly in favor of removing the “Men Only” clause. When I told him that the AOH Ladies Auxiliary opposed removing the clause, it appears that he might change his opinion. Also, there are National Webinar sessions scheduled before the National Convention that may provide more information so I’ll have to make my own decision on the vote at the National Convention.

New Business: The President reviewed new business. Since Father Edouard Guilloux is leaving All Saints, we’ll be looking for a new chaplain for our division. At our Officers’ meeting we agreed that we should give Father a $100 gift certificate as thanks for what he has done for us over the past three years. 

Good of the order: Acharter draping ceremony was conducted to commemorate Mike McManus. Those present were asked for comments about Mike McManus. Tom Masarick offered that Mike had always led protests against abortion and at the abortion clinic he was a catalyst for action to change it to a free clinic to help people. Prayer requests: Pray for Mike McManus and his family.

Adjourned: The President closed the meeting with prayers to St. Jude and for Mike McManus. The Results of the 50/50 drawing were also announced. Pete Hawkins won. The President cautioned the brothers against speaking of anything that transpired at this meeting. The President noted that there will be no Division meeting in July. The next Division Meeting is scheduled for Monday, 8 August. The President made a motion to adjourn. It was seconded and approved by those present. The meeting was adjourned at 8:03 PM.


Author: Mike Eggleston

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