Our Manassas area Ancient Order of Hibernians needs good Irish Catholic men like you! If you have these attributes, please consider joining our fraternal organization.
- Are you male, 16 years of age, or older?
- Have a drop or two of Irish ancestry?
- Are you a practicing Catholic?
- Do you desire to serve and share the experience with your community the values of Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity alongside men who share our common heritage?
If you answered yes to all the above, we’d love to have you join and help our organization. We’ve been around a while, formed in 1836, aiding and assisting our communities as well as supporting our Irish legacy. If interested, please contact Pete Hawkins at PHawk52@verizon.net or (703) 216-3101.
Can you please tell me if you announced the winner of the trip to Ireland raffle?
Thank you
Yes. It was Mike Riley and his wife. The winner was announced on St. Patrick’s Day evening at the Old Towne Sports Pub in Manassas