Minutes of the June 12, 2023, division meeting – Mike Eggleston

Highlights: Division meetings will be held at VFW Hall instead of Knight’s Hall. Funds were programmed to support that. The July Division meeting was canceled. Annual Per Capita dues were increased from $24 to $31. The start time of Division meetings was changed from 7:30 to 7:00 PM. Delegates for the AOH State Convention were elected. The schedule of activities in 2023 was reviewed and modified. Future key fundraising events were discussed.

The meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM at the George Brent Council of the Knights of Columbus, 9290 Stonewall Road in Manassas by President Pat Sullivan.

Recitation of the Opening Prayer & Pledge of Allegiance: In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen.  In the name of St. Patrick, the Glorious Apostle of Ireland, I open this meeting and beseech our Heavenly Father to watch over us and protect us.  May He grant us that peace and harmony will always prevail among us, and that Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity will inspire all our deliberations, through Christ our Lord, Amen.

  • Our Father                         x
  • Hail Mary                           x
  • Glory Be                             x
  • Pledge of Allegiance          x

Meeting Agenda:

The Recording Secretary, accomplished the Roll Call of Officers:

       P: Present; E: Excused; A: Absent

President:Patrick SullivanP
Vice President:Greg GibbonsP
Chaplain:Fr. Daniel ReuwerE
Recording Secretary:Michael EgglestonP
Financial Secretary:Richard AleksyP
Treasurer:Brian TumultyP
Standing Committee:Douglas MorrisonP
Marshall:Greg RebbertP
Sentinel:Paul HannanP
Past President:Tom MasarickA

Minutes from previous meeting. Mike Eggleston: The 8 May 2023 Minutes were distributed to all members on 1 June and were posted to the division website. No changes were received. A motion to approve the minutes was made, seconded and those members present voted to approve the minutes as posted on the Division website.

President’s Report.  

– Thanks to Bill Yochem, the wine social was a very good success.

– Several topics of discussion at this meeting will require a vote by members here tonight.

– Project St. Patrick Certificate for Fr. Daniel. I plan to present this to Father Daniel next week.

Propositions for Membership, Pete Hawkins: None

Reports on Candidates for Membership, Pete Hawkins: None

Communications & Correspondence. Mike Eggleston: We received a letter from AOH State on delegates to the State convention. This will be discussed later in this meeting.


          1.Cookbook Status. Mike Eggleston: We received 226 copies of our cookbook from the Morris Publishing Company. We have 45 remaining on hand. Our approximate profit is $1,300.

          2.Calendar Events/Special Reports. Pete Hawkins reviewed the Calendar events.

– Division Picnic 24 June 2 – 6 PM. A new flyer was sent to all this past week. Chris Sozio has a signup sheet for use at this meeting. The Knights also have a meeting on this date, but this should not affect our picnic.

– State Conference 27 – 31 July: Old Town Alexandria.

– Beer and Brats: 29 July. Brian Tumulty is managing the effort. We need help with this. We plan to have a flyer in the bulletin with a QR code so people can pay. We will also sell tickets at the door. Paul Hannan will provide entertainment. Vince Fitzpatrick volunteered to help serve the food. Pete Hawkins and Greg Gibbons are kitchen volunteers. Pete will be the Grill Master.

– Road Cleanup is scheduled for 19 August. John Masarick will manage the road cleanups,

– The Golf Tournament is in September.

  • Bart Emanuel is working on a Hunger Project effort in September. We also need a second effort this year.
    • The calendar shows Officer meetings in Knight’s Hall. Delete that. Location of the Officer meetings is TBD.

Special Committees:

          1.Chaplain’s Reflection. Father Daniel Reuwer. No Report.

2.Charities and Missions. Greg Rebbert: No Report

          3.Freedom for all Ireland (FFAI). Dominic Preston:There were local elections in Northern Ireland recently. The Nationalists won and of course the Unionists did not like that, so we are waiting for a government to be formed in the Stormont (the Northern Ireland Assembly). Ireland has a great heat wave so far this month. These are days when temperatures are in the 70s which is tough for Ireland, because houses do not have air conditioning. June is the month of exams for students. They have to have an oral Irish or French. That is one of the main subjects you have to pass. When I was doing the research, if you did not pass Irish, you failed the whole exam. That was it for years, but I do not think that happens now. Results come out in August, and you know that, if you go to Trinity University or the National University in Galway.

4.Report on the Standing Committee/Grievance. Doug Morrison: No Report.

        5.Historian. Mike Eggleston provided his report on the Irish Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

         6. Hibernian Hunger Project. Bart Emanuel: No Report.

         7.Immigration. Brian Tumulty provided the Immigration Report.

         8.Report on Sick/Visitation. Bill Yochem: No Report.

         9.Project St. Patrick. Rich Aleksy: Continue to keep our seminarians in your prayers.

         10.Pro-Life. Paul Huber provided the Pro-Life Report. Paul asked that the officers support a pro-life announcement at Mass on the feast day of the Holy Innocents, 28 December.

         11.Publicity/Webmaster. Brian Tumulty. As I mentioned earlier, we are working on the flyer for Bear & Brats.

         12.Strategic Planner. No Report.

         13.Veterans Affairs. Doug Morrison: No report.

         14.Bills and Claims. Rich Aleksy: 

Vouchers: None.

Income: $100 for bracelets.

    15.Report of the Treasurer. Brian Tumulty provided the Treasurers Report.

       Unfinished Business:

     1. The officers propose moving our regular meetings from Knight’s Hall to the VFW Hall starting on 14 August. The address is 9304 Centreville Rd, Manassas, VA 20110. VFW Hall is ideal for our purpose. It is of adequate size and parking. It also has storage facilities. The move was approved. Brian made a motion to add to the budget a line for the Fish Fry $730 in revenue. He also proposed renaming the Anchor Club budget line as the VFW meetings line and to insert $250 as a budgeted expense to cover the $50 monthly meeting cost from August through the end of the year. It was mentioned that we should keep some storage space in Knight’s Hall for items such as those used for parades. JP McCusker asked if we will have to pay $50 for each use of VFW Hall other than the Division meetings. This will need to be checked. Brian’s motion was seconded by Vince Fitzpatrick and approved by unanimous voice vote of those present (20 members).

     2. The first meeting in VFW Hall will be in August. The officers wish to move our meeting start time to 7:00 PM vice 7:30. After discussion, a motion to update the by-laws to reflect the new meeting time 7:00 PM was made, seconded and approved by unanimous vote of the 20 members present at the meeting.

    3. Per Capita Dues Increase: A Motion was made to “Take it from the table” and open the floor for discussion. This was seconded and approved. Discussion confirmed that the increase was due to cost of living increases totaling $7 that were levied by AOH National and State on all divisions: the cost of doing business has increased. Our annual dues will increase from $24 to $31 effective 1 January 2024. This was seconded and approved as was the by-law change.

New Business:

     1.Our recruiting drive will be accomplished after the All Saints Masses on 22-23 July. This is in conjunction with the Father Kelley Mass on 22 July. At all Masses that weekend we need two people at each door with recruiting material. JP McCusker stated that we have Father Lee’s permission for this, and we should prepare comments for Father to use at the Masses. Pat Sullivan will talk to Father Lee and Father Daniel to see if Father Daniel can say the Mass on the 22nd.

    2. In past years, the July Division meeting was cancelled because of vacations. A motion to cancel this July meeting was made, seconded and approved by unanimous vote.  

    3. A request was made for volunteers to act as our delegates at the AOH State convention on 27-30 July. Anyone who is a delegate will not be required to miss our Bear & Brats Dinner on 29 July. JP McCusker and Greg Gibbons volunteered. A motion to approve them as delegates was made, seconded and approved by unanimous vote. Additional delegates are needed. Pat Sullivan will publish information to obtain more delegates.

Good and Welfare of the Order — Prayers:

  1. Please keep praying for Pat Sullivan’s wife Kay as she continues to go through Chemo and prepares for a related operation.
  2. Brian Tumulty’s wife Kathleen has Ovarian cancer and needs our prayers.
  3. Pray for Bob Weaver a former member who just died.
  4. Please keep Rich Aleksy’s wife Agnes in your prayers
  5. Chris Sozio asked for prayers for his dad who is ill and for other relatives.

Adjournment: The president made a motion to adjourn that was seconded and approved by vote of those present.

Closing Prayer

In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  And in the name of St. Patrick, the Glorious Apostle of Ireland, I declare this meeting closed.  Grant, O Lord, who makes the minds of the faithful to be of one will, that we, Thy people may love what Thou has commanded, and desire what Thou has promised, and that amid the changes of the world our hearts may ever love and obey Thee, thru Christ Our Lord, Amen.

Let us pray for our deceased Brothers. All say:

  • Our Father
  • 3 Hail Mary’s
  • Glory Be

President:    Eternal Rest grant to them, O Lord.

Members:    And let perpetual light shine upon them.

President:    May they rest in peace.

Members:    Amen.

President:  Brothers, you are cautioned against speaking of anything that has transpired at this meeting to any but those who you know to be members in good standing and bound by the same fraternal ties of Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity

Adjourned. The President noted that the next division meeting is scheduled for Monday, 14 August 2023 at 7:00 PM. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35PM. After the meeting, Terry Riley won the President’s Drawing.


Author: Mike Eggleston

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