August 14, 2023 Division Meeting Minutes – Mike Eggleston

Highlights of the Meeting: Father Kelley Division: Membership was discussed, and two were voted in. The results of the AOH State Convention were reviewed. The schedule of activities in 2023 was reviewed and modified. Future key fundraising events were discussed.

The meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM at the VFW Hall, 9304 Centerville Road in Manassas by President Pat Sullivan.

Recitation of the Opening Prayer & Pledge of Allegiance: 


  • Wraps gavel once: “The Division will now come to order.  Officers will assume their respective stations.”  DO NOT STAND!
  • Order: “Sentinel, keep close the meeting room door until the meeting is duly open”
  • Order: “Marshal, check membership cards and ascertain if all present are duly qualified to remain.”


  • Response: “Worthy President, I find all members to be in good standing.” 


  • Wraps gavel once: “All members please stand.”

Opening Prayer

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen.  And in the name of St. Patrick, the Glorious Apostle of Ireland, I open this meeting and beseech our Heavenly Father to watch over us and protect us.  May He grant us that peace and harmony will always prevail among us, and that Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity will inspire all our deliberations, through Christ our Lord, Amen.”

President: Say one Our Father.

President: Recorder, please lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

President: Singing of Opening Ode, “O’Donnell Abu”

  • We will suspend the singing of the Opening Ode

President: “I now declare this meeting duly open for the transaction of such business as may properly be brought before it.”

  • Wrap the gavel once all please be seated.”

Meeting Agenda:

The Recording Secretary, accomplished the Roll Call of Officers:

       P: Present; E: Excused; A: Absent

President:Patrick SullivanP
Vice President:Greg GibbonsP
Chaplain:Fr. Daniel ReuwerE
Recording Secretary:Michael EgglestonP
Financial Secretary:Richard AleksyE
Treasurer:Brian TumultyP
Standing Committee:Douglas MorrisonE
Marshall:Greg RebbertE
Sentinel:Paul HannanP
Past President:Tom MasarickP

Minutes from previous meeting. Mike Eggleston: The 12 June 2023 Minutes were distributed to all members on 4 August and were posted to the division website. No changes were received. A motion to approve the minutes was made, seconded and those members present voted to approve the minutes as posted on the Division website.

  1. President’s Report. Pat Sullivan reported the results of the AOH State meeting. AOH State has four officer positions. The State’s most important job is to help its divisions. Pat will be the new State Treasurer. The State meeting provided a new understanding of FFAI: The Brits are attempting to block the vote on unifying Ireland. Doug Morrison cannot be here today. In his work on Veterans affairs, Doug has been soliciting input from our brothers stories about their careers that he then presents at our meetings. Contact Doug if you want to be included in his program. We want to thank Pete Hawkins and those who helped Pete with the recruiting drive.

      b.   Reports on Candidates for Membership, Pete Hawkins:

 John O’Mara (Co-Owner of KO Distillery) completed the membership application.

Johnny McLaughlin wants to transfer from another AOH division.  Pete Hawkins will call Johnny’s old division to let them know of his move.

John Titus is interested. Brian Tumulty knows him and will contact Titus.

Tim Meyer is also interested, and Pat Sullivan will contact him.

Johnny McLaughlin was present at the meeting and was unanimously approved to join our division and was welcomed by those present. John O’Mara was also unanimously approved to join our division.

Communications & Correspondence. Mike Eggleston: No communications or correspondence has been received.


          1.Cookbook Status. Mike Eggleston: We received 226 copies of our cookbook from the Morris Publishing Company. We have 54 remaining on hand. Our approximate profit is $1,300.

          2.Calendar Events/Special Reports. Pete Hawkins reviewed the calendar.

Our Lady of Knock Mass & Corporate Communion is at All Saints 9:30 Mass on 20 August.

26 Aug: Road Clean-up is at Knight’s Hall, 8:00 AM

17 Sept: Half-way to St. Patrick’s Day (OTSP). Our ticket sales for the trip to Ireland start at this event.

11 September is our division meeting at VFW Hall, 9304 Centerville Road at 7:00 PM. A cookout is planned at this meeting, bring sides and desserts. Mike Riley will discuss the cookout with VFW.

22 September is our Father Kelley Sponsored Golf Tournament at Prince William County Club, 8:00 AM. We want a big turnout. Vince Fitzpatrick has invited other AOH divisions to participate. Also, bring members of your family. A sponsorship letter will be put out. Vince needs the help of 4-5 people for one hour at the tournament.

September Hunger Project: Pat Sullivan will call Bart Emanuel to get details.

September Shamrock Degree: Greg Gibbons will work on this.

1 October Downs Syndrome Walk: Mike Eggleston will post the flyer for this event on our website.

7 Oct: Manassas Fall Jubilee sales: Vince Fitzpatrick will work on this.

Pete Hawkins will move to Winchester, Virginia on 6 September. We need someone to take over his workload.

Special Committees:

          1.Chaplain’s Reflection. Father Daniel Reuwer. No Report.

2.Charities and Missions. Greg Rebbert: No Report.

          3.Freedom for all Ireland (FFAI). Dominic Preston:No Report.

  4.Report on the Standing Committee/Grievance. Doug Morrison: No Report.

          5.Historian. Mike Eggleston provided his report on the Kindred Spirits.

          6. Hibernian Hunger Project. Bart Emanuel: No Report.

          7.Immigration. Brian Tumulty provided his Immigration Report.

          8.Report on Sick/Visitation. Bill Yochem: No Report.

          9.Project St. Patrick. Rich Aleksy: No Report.

         10.Pro-Life. Paul Huber: No Report.

         11.Publicity/Webmaster. Brian Tumulty reported that he has updated our website and has also updated the calendar on our website.

         12. Report on the Sick/Visitation: Bill Yochem: No Report.

13. Strategic Planner. Mike Riley: In accordance with some of our strategic plan tenets, we accomplished a membership drive, fundraiser (cookbooks), established our own identity (new meeting site), and recognition in the Digest. Recommend returning to a history of the lessons of the motto at meetings. Consider more of a legislative impact; issues such as immigration and awareness of Irish history.

          14. Veterans Affairs. Doug Morrison: Doug’s Veterans Affairs Report was posted to our website.

          15. Bills and Claims. Rich Aleksy: 

Income: Cookbooks:  $210.00 

          50/50 Raffle:      $43.00

                         Total: $253.00

Expenses: AOH Picnic Pete Hawkins    $301.57

                  VA State Convention Hotel $392.90

                                                Total:   $694.47

      16. Report of the Treasurer. Brian Tumulty provided the Treasurer’s Report.

       Unfinished Business: By Laws. Mike Eggleston has updated our By Laws and will forward these to AOH Virginia State for approval.

New Business: We need help with membership and the calendar because Pete Hawkins is moving to Winchester, Virginia. We also need someone to take the lead for Beer Tasting.

Good and Welfare of the Order — Prayers:

  1. Kay Sullivan.
  2. Brian Tumulty’s wife Kathleen has Ovarian cancer.
  3. Agnes Aleksy and Rich Aleksy.
  4. Greg Gibbons’ brothers need our prayers: Ken Gibbons has pancreatic cancer and Pete Gibbons has interstitial lung disease.
  5. Brother Chuck Kelleher. Mike Eggleston will distribute information about Chuck Kellerher’s funeral and obituary.
  6. Paul Hannan is being checked for cancer and asked for prayers.
  7. Chris Sozio asked for prayers for his dad and brother.

Prayer to St. Jude:

          Saint Jude, glorious Apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the name of the traitor has caused you to be forgotten by many, but the true Church invokes you universally as the Patron of difficult cases, and of thing almost despaired of.   Pray for us who are so helpless and alone.  Intercede with God for us that he brings visible and speedy help.  Come to our assistance in this great need that we may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all our necessities, tribulations, sufferings and particularly with those mentioned in the Good and Welfare of the Order and those who’s intentions are on our hearts, and that we may bless God and you with the Elect throughout Eternity.


Adjournment Motion:

President: “Is there a motion to Adjourn”

  • Motion
  • Second
  • Discussion
  • Vote

President: Wraps gavel once, asks all to stand.

Closing Prayer

In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  And in the name of St. Patrick, the Glorious Apostle of Ireland, I declare this meeting closed.  Grant, O Lord, who makes the minds of the faithful to be of one will, that we, Thy people may love what Thou has commanded, and desire what Thou has promised, and that amid the changes of the world our hearts may ever love and obey Thee, through Christ Our Lord, Amen.”

Chaplain or President: “Let us pray for our deceased Brothers” All say:

  • Our Father
  • 3 Hail Mary Mary’s
  • Glory Be

Chaplain or President:     “Eternal Rest grant to them, O Lord

Members:                       “And let perpetual light shine upon them

Chaplain or President:    “May they rest in peace.”

Members:                       “Amen”


President:  Lead division in saying 3 Hail Mary’s

  • Hail Mary
  • Hail Mary
  • Hail Mary


Brothers, you are cautioned against speaking of anything that has transpired at this meeting to any but those who you know to be members in good standing and bound by the same fraternal ties of Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity.”

50/50 Raffle Drawing winner: JP McCusker

Presidents Drawing winner: Paul Hannan

Meeting Conclusion

President: Wraps the gavel saying:

“This meeting now stands adjourned until our next regular meeting on Monday, August 14th except in case of emergency, in which event, you will be duly notified.”

The President noted that the next division meeting is scheduled for Monday, 11 September 2023, 7:00 PM, at the VFW Hall. The meeting was adjourned at 8:11PM.


Author: Mike Eggleston

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