Strategic Planner Report – Mike Riley

February Report

The AOH has a Political Education Committee with the purpose of supporting the initiatives of the Ancient Order of Hibernians through political action. The Ancient Order of Hibernians is non-partisan and desires to work with all parties to achieve the goals of the Order. Thus, we work in common cause with political figures on some issues while maintaining the right to respectfully disagree on others.

Former President Eisenhower opined that “Politics ought to be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free people and who would preserve what is good and fruitful in our national heritage.” We as Hibernians cannot preserve our heritage or effect change on the issues that are of important to us if we are silent. Everyone here should consider themselves a member of the Political Education committee and should offer to act on calls to action.

H. RES. 596, introduced in the 118th Congress, calls for the restoration of power-sharing in Northern Ireland.  It is a critical step in addressing the ongoing political stalemate and maintaining the progress to peace in the north of Ireland, started 25 years ago by the Good Friday Agreement. Brian has often covered legislative and immigration issues and has educated this Division on these issues. And Dominik keeps us abreast of issues facing Ireland.

As members of the AOH, we have a deep and abiding commitment to the pursuit of justice, peace, and unity in the north of Ireland.  

When you see a call to action, take time to reach out to your Congressional Representative to cosponsor H. RES. 596 and reaffirm the U.S. commitment to peaceful governance in Northern Ireland.


Author: Gerald Partsch

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