Paul Hannan, January 13, 2025
Minutes of the January 13, 2025 Meeting of the Ancient Order of Hibernians
Father Kelley Division
Highlights of the Meeting: The meeting was opened by President Greg Gibbons and
the Installation of Officers Ceremony was held. Father Daniel Reuwer was in
attendance and Past President Patrick Sullivan conducted the Installation as
the state Representative.
Meeting Agenda
The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. at the VFW Hall, 9304 Centerville Road in Manassas by President Greg Gibbons. Opening prayers were said.
Pledge of Allegiance was said.
The opening ode was omitted.
President Greg Gibbons declared the meeting open for business.
Roll Officers Called:
President Greg Gibbons Present
Vice President Brian Tumulty Present
Chaplain Father Daniel Reuwer Present
Recording Secretary Paul Hannan Present
Financial Secretary Rick Aleksy Present
Traesurer Mike Eggleston Present
Standing Committee Douglas Morrison Present
Marshall Johnny McLaughlin Present
Sentinel Jerry Laffey Present
Past President Patrick Sullivan Present
Reading of the previous minutes were not read due to unpublished.
Presidents report:
Looking forward to 2025, we will build on successful programs, and
reduce ones that were not well received. New ideas are always welcome. As a
volunteer organization, we encourage participation. Father Kelley Division
did great in 2024 living our motto of Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity.
Communications and Correspondence:
There were none
No propositions on Candidates for new membership.
Calendar of Events Greg Gibbons
Beer Tasting Feb 7 Contact Kevin O’Connell to benefit Able Forces and TAPS
March For Life January 18 there is a breakfast speaker
January 25 will be the state quarterly meeting
January 22 Road Cleanup
March 1 St Patrick’s Day Parade in Alexandria
March 8 St Patrick’s Day Parade in Manassas assistance with parade
Report of the Treasurer Paul Hannan Audit will be scheduled to transfer
accounts to Mike Eggleston and signature cards. (Both have occurred
Bills and Claims were accounted for as well as funds for deposit – Rick Aleksy
Ireland Trip Raffle Tickets still for sale after Masses – JP Mc Cusker
The present number sold 342 with 239 in circulation
Reports on Special Committees:
Reports received will be posted on the website.
The 2025 Budget Presentation to be voted on by the membership
Checks to be paid to Alexandria Parade, Manassas Parade, Gaelic Mass, FFAI
Possible raffle ticket sales at St Andrew’s Church
Good and Welfare of the Order:
Prayers are requested for Brian Southard, Kay Sullivan, Kathy Mortenson, Rich
Alelksy’s son-in-law, Ruppert Harmon’s sister-in-law, Chris’s neighbor and family
members needing prayers.
Prayer to St Jude recited
Adjournment Motion and seconded at 8:10 p.m.
Closing Prayers said by Division