August 8, 2022 Minutes – Mike Eggleston

8 August 2022 Minutes

Father Kelley Division, Ancient Order of Hibernians

Highlights of the Meeting: Changes to the calendar and new events were discussed. The results of our activities over the last month were reviewed. The National Convention in July was discussed including the result, our vote and payment of expenses for our representative.

The meeting was called to order at 7:32 PM by President Pat Sullivan at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Holy Trinity’s downstairs conference room, Gainesville, Virginia.

Recitation of the opening prayer & Pledge of Allegiance:  In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen.  And in the name of St. Patrick, the Glorious Apostle of Ireland, I open this meeting and beseech our Heavenly Father to watch over us and protect us.  May He grant us that peace and harmony will always prevail among us, and that Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity will inspire all our deliberations, through Christ our Lord, Amen.

  • Our Father                          x
  • Hail Mary                           x
  • Glory Be                            x
  • Pledge of Allegiance          x

Roll call of Officers for Fraternal Year 2022 (Present, Absent or Excused):

President:Patrick SullivanP
Vice President:Daniel O’LearyP
Chaplain:Father Edouard GuillouxE
Recording Secretary:Michael EgglestonP
Financial Secretary:Richard AleksyP
Treasurer:Richard RingP
Standing Committee:Douglas MorrisonP
Marshall: Greg MurrayE
Sentinel:Greg GibbonsP
Past President:Tom MasarickE

Minutes from previous meeting, Mike Eggleston: The 12 June Minutes were distributed to all members and were posted to the Division website on 29 July. No changes were proposed. A motion to approve the minutes was made, seconded and the members voted to approve the Minutes as posted on the Division website.

President’s Report:  Pat Sullivan presented his President’s Report on the AOH National Convention. At the conclusion, Tim Hourigan asked if there was any discussion of abortion at the Convention. The reply was none. Dan O’Leary was also at the convention but had nothing to add to the President’s report.

Propositions for Membership, Pete Hawkins: No new candidates were identified.

At this point the meeting was suspended to perform the Shamrock Degree. Balloting for the candidate, Tim Hourigan was accomplished, he was accepted and the initiation pledge was administered.

Communications & Correspondence, Mike Eggleston:

We received a request to support the Down Syndrome Association of NO VA Walk in Manassas on 2 October. This will be discussed later in this meeting.  

Golf Tournament, Vince Fitzpatrick. We had 32 golfers and everything went fine. We made $1,708. For the first time out of the box it was a great job. We should get more participation from other divisions in Northern Virginia. Our event was one of those things that as you continue doing it, it becomes more fruitful. It was a great day to play golf.

Calendar Events/Special Reports, Pete Hawkins: Pete distributed the Calendar of Events and discussed upcoming events.

  • Brian Tumulty mentioned that a Mass commemorating the feast day of Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney, the founder of the Knights of Columbus and the first Irish-American to be recognized by the Pope as blessed, will be held on Saturday, 13 August at 9 a.m. at St. Timothy Church in Chantilly. An email was sent to the Brothers notifying them of this event.
  • Sunday the 21st of August is our Lady of Knock Mass and Corporate Communion at 9:30 AM. It is also an opportunity for recruiting. We’ve submitted an item for the church bulletin on this. We’ll need people at the three doors of the church with handouts. Discussion followed and it was decided that a division breakfast after Mass would be scheduled at the City Tavern across the street from All Saints. Greg Gibbons will take the lead on this.
  • Mike Eggleston discussed the preparation of our division’s cookbook. This is a fund-raising effort. We need input from our brothers and their spouses in the form of specific recipes recommended for the cookbook (Please send no cookbooks). Email recipes to Mike Eggleston or bring them to our 12 September division meeting. Irish recipes are needed, but we will also have a section for others. We want all recipes in by 30 September.
  •  Irish Road Bowling at Shepherdstown, WV is scheduled for 18 September. This a major event. Greg will send Mike Eggleston an email on this so he can get the word out about the Irish Road Bowling.
  • The 1st of October is the Manassas Fall Jubilee. We have a booth there and sell raffle tickets. It’s a great event to sell a lot of things like bracelets and banners. It’s also another great opportunity for recruiting. We’ll put out more info at the next division meeting.
  • The Down’s Syndrome Association of Northern Virginia Buddy Walk at Signal Hill Park is scheduled for 2 October. This is a worthwhile charity event. It was agreed that we will support the event. Five people are needed to do such things as directing traffic.
  • The fundraiser dinner (Brats & Brew) is scheduled in October as TBD. We expect that a lot of non-Catholics will attend and donate money. It will be a great fundraiser. Brian Tumulty will check his calendar to see if he will be available to take the lead and he will notify Pat Sullivan.

Special Committees:

Catholic Action, Father Edouard Guilloux: No Report. Pat Sullivan indicated that he has contacted Father Daniel Reuwer to determine if he will take over from Fr. Ed who has been reassigned from All Saints Church. Father Dan will get back to Pat on this.

Charities and Missions, Greg Rebbert: No Report.

Freedom for all Ireland, Dominic Preston: No Report.

Report on the Standing Committee/Grievance, Doug Morrison: No Report.

Historian, Mike Eggleston: Mike provided a report on  Daniel Daly.

Hunger Project, Bart Emanuel: No Report

Immigration, Rick Ring: No Report.

Project St. Patrick, Rich Aleksy: Rich asked that we keep seminarians in our prayers. Six of these are now priests.

Publicity/Webmaster, Brian Tumulty: No Report.

Report on the Sick/Visitation, Bill Yochem: No Report.

Strategic Planner, Mike Riley: No Report.

Veteran’s Affairs, Doug Morrison: Doug provided his Veteran’s Affairs Report. His report highlighted military careers of two of our Brothers. He asked that those interested in having their careers highlighted should contact him.

Bills and Claims, Rich Aleksy:  

Rich reported Income:   

                         Bracelets:                                                      $      25.00

          Vouchers:  Golf Tournament                                    $      1888.00

                          Gift Card for Father Ed                              $      100.00

                         National Convention Travel Expenses       $      587.20

                             (Travel expenses were added later

                             in the meeting after approval by vote

                             of members present)

Report of the Treasurer, Rick Ring: Rick provided his Report of the Treasurer. He reviewed our budget and found that budgeted items that we had were exceeded by the income that we expected. As an example, for the fish fry we budgeted $500 and took in $1,828.47. There was no expense on that. So, we made more money in certain areas than we expected in the budget. Payment of Pat Sullivan’s expenses at the National Convention were discussed and members present voted to pay these expenses ($587.20) from division funds. Rick mentioned that we will set up an account to collect funds in support of future expenses for state and national conventions. We are required to do this. We also have funding in the budget for more bracelets. The President asked that more bracelets be ordered.

Unfinished business: Pat Sullivan summarized unfinished business. We have already discussed actions to ask Father Dan if he will be our Chaplain and await his reply.  Voting at the National Convention and funding for our expenses have been discussed. Expenditures for the National Convention were discussed and approved as seen in the Report of the Treasurer. Action has been taken to provide a going away gift for Father Ed. Support for the Our Lady of Knock Mass is in place. This concludes unfinished business.

New Business: The President reviewed new business. The President will announce the nominating committee for the election of Father Kelley Division officers for 2023 at the next division meeting, 12 September. The next Officer Meeting is on 6 September and the election will be discussed at this meeting. Existing officers need to inform us of their plans for 2023. Following topics will also be discussed at the Officer Meeting.

  • Increase in dues.
  • Phone tree updates.
  • Nominating committee for 2023 officers 

Adjournment: The president made a motion to adjourn that was seconded and approved by vote of those present.

Closing Prayer:  In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  And in the name of St. Patrick, the Glorious Apostle of Ireland, I declare this meeting closed.  Grant, O Lord, who makes the minds of the faithful to be of one will, that we, thy people may love what Though has commanded, and desire what Thou has promised, and that amid the changes of the world our hearts may ever love and obey Thee, through Christ Our Lord, Amen.

  • Our Father
  • 3 Hail Mary Mary’s
  • Glory Be

Adjourned: The President cautioned the brothers against speaking of anything that transpired at this meeting. The President noted that the next Division Meeting is scheduled for Monday, 12 September. The meeting was adjourned at 9:02 PM.


Author: Mike Eggleston

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